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November 17th, 2010

[info]marvel_icons in [info]rpthieves

We've got another icon thief. This player, Nic, plays mainly in the Marvel Universe but also has a bunch of original characters. Some journals owned are [info]shape_n_shift, [info]the_ace, [info]secondgendupe, [info]goldentarnish, [info]empathiclyrics, [info]totalmindfreak, [info]headtrauma, [info]melodywaters, [info]empathiclyrics, [info]peps, [info]goldentarnish, [info]the_pie_maker, [info]lizard_boy, [info]multi_persona, and [info]deadlock. Nic/Nick is usually recognizable in games as loosely-canon (if canon at all) homosexual male characters who journal sporadically but rarely thread.

I have previously played with Nic and therefore he has been familiar with my icon work. In July I posted a set of Luke Worrall as Hulkling icons (here) and in September, by request from another player who credited properly, I posted this set of Chord Overstreet as Hulkling.

The other day whole browsing Marvel games I found 2 players who had not properly credit my icons as stated in Rule 2 on every icon post: "Please credit [info]marvel_icons, these will never be Friends Only, so please thank me by giving credit for my hard work." One player, after less than 48 hours, corrected this. Nic, with the journal [info]lean_green, did not. It has been more than 12 days now and Nic shows no sign of crediting. He has taken from both sets (21 and 25 from Luke Worrall set and 1,2,3, 5,6,7, 9, 11,12,13,14, 17,18,19,20,21, 23,24,25 from Chord.)

You can see them all here. I can give many reasons to avoid this player, but icon thieving is one I can warn you about here. If he can't be bothered to paste 12 characters into the comment section of the icon page, or even just stick it once in his info, then what does that say about him as a player?