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January 6th, 2018

[info]creativityburns in [info]rpgamers_30plus

Introducing Me

Name or Nickname: Willow / Hannah, nowadays I respond to pretty much anything that gets yelled at me.
Age: 30 (as of October 2017)
Fandom – Celeb – PB – OC: Fandom but I prefer OCs, to be honest.

I write:
Star Trek (reboot only), Uhura, James Kirk
Comics: Bobby Drake, Rogue, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Billy Kaplan, Barbara Gordon
MCU: Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Steve Rogers
DCEU: Lois Lane, Wonder Woman
Dragon Age: OCs only but happy to play against canon characters
Shannara Chronicles (TV canon mostly): Amberle, Eretria
Primeval: Sarah Page, Connor Temple, Jess Parker
Merlin (BBC TV): Merlin, Gwaine
A Darker Shade of Magic: Rhy, Lila

... and probably much more but my brain's gone blank.
I look for: Specifically:
Comics: Scott Summers, John Allerdyce, Dick Grayson, Teddy Altman
MCU: Pietro Maximoff, Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes
DCEU: Superman
Shannara Chronicles (TV): Wil Ohmsford

Otherwise, pretty much all the OCs. Even in original worlds made up as we go.

Idea: I have some ideas written up in my journal here, but generally I'm open to pretty much anything. I miss writing and want to write more. I've love something set in Dragon Age with OCs, and I'm pretty involved with the lore but not a total stickler for it.

Others: Fantasy is my bag, guys, I love worldbuilding and definitely favour plot and character development over everything else, I'm a huge fan of letting chemistry happen naturally and, fair warning, my NPCs tend to get lives of their own and demand their own storylines... I tend not to pick PBs, but create the character first and then choose a PB that fits but can try and work around it if there's a PB that you're looking for :) Pretty flexible in that sense.