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Pax Letale: a modern myth game [10 Jun 2011|02:17am]

In Southern California, there recently opened a new luxury apartment building. Impeccably designed, impossibly convenient, ideally located, Pax Letale is the sort of residential Shangri La where Southern Californians spend all manner of favors and years trying to secure a spot. But Pax doesn't have a waiting list, nor can a place there be bought or sold. The people who find their way to Pax Letale belong there.

Every tenant of Pax is a reincarnated deity whose worshipers are by and large long dead. Once very real, these gods began to fade as science and reason dispelled the probability of their existence. Reborn as mortals, their essences remain, waiting to be awakened. Somehow, sometimes one by one, sometimes in groups or pairs, these creatures of destiny have discovered Pax, and have not been able to resist its pull.

For at Pax Letale, the awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their myths. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

A lovely place. A peculiar place. A dangerous place.

Available Tenants:

Enki is the Babylonian god of water, crafts, intelligence and creation. Twin of and best friend of Ereshkigal, goddess of the Underworld, he is often seen as a positive foil to his brother Enlil, utilizing his magic and cunning for the good of others; he brings aid to deities and humans alike, serving as a rare masculine nuturer in a chaotic and often oppressively patriarchal pantheon. He will likely have connections to Tiamat, Ereshkigal, and other Sumero-Babylonian deities.

Brighid is the Celtic goddess of the forge, inspiration, compassion and creativity, and a patron goddess of artists, craftsmen, and other creative types. In her mortal life, she may have connections to her parents, her siblings, or any of the Celtic pantheon.

Masauwu is a Hopi deity sometimes called the Skeleton Man, Keeper of Fire, Spirit of Death, and the Master of the Fourth (present) World. He is depicted as a dark-skinned man wearing a mask; sometimes the creature beneath this mask is described as handsome, sometimes as a disfigured monster. Connections to Native American deities and gods and goddesses of death or enlightenment are likely.


Don't see a tenant that interests you? Other deities and pantheons are welcome - pick one of the active pantheons in the game, or talk to a mod if there's one you don't see, and make your modern god as you see him/her/it.

Pax Letale has re-opened under new management.
Holds and applications are being accepted for all available pantheons.


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[10 Jun 2011|05:20am]
New Updated LIST NEEDING THIS CHARACTERS the ones with * on there names are important )
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The Secret's Out RPG (Harry Potter) [10 Jun 2011|04:54pm]

Premise | Rules | Other Information | Application
Current Characters | Family Information | Wanted Characters

In the year 2026, a group of twelve wizards created mass destruction with magic in front of thousands and killing hundreds in the middle of a London borough. The incident was televised world wide to millions of people, leaving no way to hide magic from the Muggle world any longer. Thus, the International Confederation of Wizards had no choice but to abolish the 1692 International Statue of Wizarding Secrecy. Now four months later, British Minister of Magic Neville Longbottom has taken down the barriers that separate Muggle London from wizarding London and tries to mend bridges between the two worlds.

Wizards and witches that have been forced to live with their abilities in secret are now allowed to do magic in front of whoever they want. Relations between Muggles and the magical community have increased steadily since the act was abolished, but there is an air of distrust and animosity surrounding both societies. Many wizards and witches still harbor prejudices against Muggles. Some continue to hide their abilities from Muggles while others welcome the new freedom with open arms. Some Muggles live in fear of the magic that now surrounds them. Others eagerly try to learn about magic and what it can do for them, believing not all magical people can be bad.

The world is now united, but after hundreds of years in silence, can they live together in peace?


The Secret's Out is a very character and player driven RPG. The main gameplay is reliant on the players coming up with their own ideas for interactions, relationships, and animosities between all the characters - wizard, witch, or Muggle.

Opening June 24th.
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[10 Jun 2011|07:36pm]

Into The Fire


A post-war non-epilogue compliant game.

On June 1st 2002 Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Minister of Magic, was murdered. From there, a series of events has started to unfold that could change the world forever.

With an army of Dementors at his side, Rodolphus Lestrange has freed the Death Eaters from Azkaban, and plans to take over Wizarding Britain. And unlike Voldemort, there's no prophecy saying Lestrange will fail.

Kingsley Shacklebolt is dead, Dementors stalk the streets at night and Death Eaters prepare for war...

Are you willing to risk your life to try and save the world?

Into The Fire is a plot-driven game, but no outcome has been determined so it really depends on the players, characters and the choices made as the game progresses. We want to see where this ends up, because that's what RPing is all about -

Wanted: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, George Weasley, Theodore Nott, Bill Weasley, Terry Boot, Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Fenrir Greyback & many more.


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[10 Jun 2011|10:51pm]

Cambion City


Welcome to the Arena...

Character Directory
Taken and Reserved PBs

A throwback to the colosseums of old, The Arena, located in the heart of Cambion City, is the very place for those with a penchant for blood, guts, and death to see their wildest fantasies fulfilled. Populated by a very select group of Were criminals, spectators at the Arena can expect to see the fight of their life every night as the finest Were specimens of all breeds rip each other to shreds in the hopes of surviving one more day, working off debt, or simply gaining their freedom.

Beneath The Arena's battleground is a series of spartan-like jail cells where criminal or indebted Weres are forced to coexist together, no matter their breeds. Champions are treated like Gods and often assigned their own slaves, and the tales of sex, drugs, and decadence that take place in the 'champion' quarters provide more than enough inspiration for those warriors who are resigned to a life in captivity to fight their way to victory. The system is corrupt, the conditions are harsh, and the battles are not often fair.
All the more reason to come and play, isn't it?

Cambion City is an original character supernatural game set in the fictional town of Cambion City on the South West Coast of the United States. The game will open as soon as we have 10 established characters and is slowly coming together. Start with a fresh slate! We are looking for any and all original characters you might be able to think up!

*Because of the adult content that will play a major part in this game, the game is rated NC-17 with NO exceptions.

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