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Not So Far Away [08 Jan 2011|08:44am]

Not So Far Away...
A Modern Fairy Tale RPG

Premise II Rules II Application II FAQ II Holds/Character List II Wanted Characters II Taken Characters II Friend Button


Ozma, Captain Hook, Robin Hood, and Many More!

For as long as anyone can remember, the City has always been one of the largest metropolitan centers in the world. It has had its share of glory and decline, but none so great as the age following the founding of OzCorp. Michael Ozma was no man of magic, but he might as well have been, for the technological wonders he wrought.

Today, however, the Gilded Age is long past. OzCorp, now led by Ozma's three daughters, has become corrupt, and the City has fallen from its glory days. Crime and drugs now rule the streets, though some aristocrats continue to live above it all.

Inspired by folk-lore and fairy-tales, Not So Far Away is a unique Role-Playing World that brings characters from fairytale, folklore, and mythology from around the world together into an ever-expanding universe.
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are you a swot? [08 Jan 2011|11:50am]
Voldemort was dead and life went on. Students who had spent the last year fighting for their lives suddenly found themselves in a world with limitless possibility, capable of finding new direction and new purpose. There were job interviews to go on and bills to pay. Funerals and first dates. Second dates. Weddings. Children. Twenty-eight years later, a new generation of students will be boarding the Hogwarts Express- the children of war heroes and villains alike. With the Second War safely behind them in their History of Magic textbooks, these students find themselves blessed with the opportunity to live normal lives as normal teenagers, focused on Hogsmeade weekends, school events and N.E.W.T. exams and faced with the choice to either put the past behind them or settle for living in the shadow of their parents. Adolescence is challenging enough, a time of increasing independence and creative exploration. As these teenagers prepare for their last years at Hogwarts, will they step out as individuals -- away from their parents' pasts -- or will lingering prejudices continue to affect social order?

SWOTTING is a next-gen, canon-compliant RPG focused on character development, interpersonal relationships and providing a realistic school experience at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


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Liberalis [08 Jan 2011|12:29pm]

A Post-Warts, Non Deathly Hallows Compliant Game

By the spring of 1999 the Trio had collected and destroyed all six of the Horcruxes and they set out to find the Dark Lord hoping to end it once and for all. At the climax of the duel, Harry gained the upper hand and Voldemort, knowing he had seconds left, used his last lifeline: a time turner. With the fall of their Lord, the Death Eaters abandoned the battle and it appeared to the wizarding world that their greatest enemy had been defeated. Unknown to them, the time turner had brought Voldemort into 2002 where he was already gathering his followers and one more Horcrux still remained. Voldemort had unknowingly created another when he had killed Harry's parents and attempted to kill Harry. The newly shattered part of his soul was transferred into the infant when the Dark Lord cast the killing curse.

The New Year of 2003 would be marked with tragedy. The Dark Lord would announce his return at the Ministry’s Annual New Year’s Ball where innocents were attacked and dozens were slaughtered. In the aftermath of the battle, accusatory eyes turned to the once celebrated hero; Harry Potter. Overnight the news spread and people began to feel again the terror that had yet to fade completely. Over the next few months the Ministry worked around the clock to assure the people that this time wouldn’t be like the last; this time they should place their trust with the government and not in the hands of an adolescent hero. The Ministry’s demeanor became one of confidence. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had struck out twice already and this time the situation would be handled properly. Voldemort had other plans.

On June 23rd the Ministry of Magic fell. Trust and security was shattered when Voldemort and his army entered the Ministry building, having been given access from within. Death Eaters and dark creatures alike swarmed through the structure, destroying everything in their path; among the dead was found every member of the Wizengamot including the Minister of Magic himself. Once and for all the Dark Lord proved what he was capable of.

With their Headquarters in ruins, the Ministry has been forced to relocate and is scrambling to come to terms with their losses and what it meant for the future. Wizarding Britain looks to the future with little hope while the Trio desperately search for the missing piece, knowing that if the Dark Lord had returned that their mission had not yet been completed. Another Horcrux must still be in existence and destroying it is the only way to ensure their liberation.

More information here.

Game Opened and Active Since Friday, July 23rd

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[08 Jan 2011|01:46pm]
Character I will be playing: Jordan Witzigreuter from The Ready Set
Character Wanted: I would give my first born to get his (irl gf, in game ex) Katelyn Brooke, or any of the guys who play instruments live with Jordan from The Ready Set - Andy Snyder, George Turkette, Keegan Weckler & Travis Rountree, or even a Christofer Drew Ingle, but honestly I'd love anyone.

Yes, seriously. I'd love anyone. :]
Storyline: Katelyn! )

jordan's boys )

As for anyone else, I'm up for tossing ideas back and forth! We can have some backstory as well, or just start when you join. Anything, really. I just want more lines for this cute kid.
Screen Name or Livejournal account: Comment here or IM me at imaliveimjordan
Is it for a RP community (if so, which one) or is it a PSL?: Kennedy Prep
Any other information you feel is important: Please? <3
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[08 Jan 2011|03:34pm]

Musings - A Fictional Essence RPG

Musings has always existed, a world alongside our world.

In Musings, people live the way we do, eat the same food we do, love the same way we do, and work the same minimum wage jobs we do. The differences? They all have their roots in fictional characters, and they are immortal.

Though they are not the characters themselves, they carry in them the essences of characters from fiction. The sources that they spring from do not exist for them, but they are based on fiction we are familiar with all the same - though no one has ever read a Batman comic, there is a rich young man who uses his money to fight the forces of evil that destroyed his life. Though Moby Dick was never written, a sailor still stalks the bars of a town on the sea, watching, waiting.

Now, a portal has opened between the world of Musings and the mortal world, and the Creations (as they call themselves) have begun crossing over in droves. Now, they have abilities that they did not have in their own world, abilities that they can choose to do with what they will. There is no great prescribed fate for these echoes of fiction, only the destinies they choose to weave for themselves - living and losing on the shores of a new world.

Available Characters include: Fiyero (Wicked), Night Owl II (Watchmen), Jo Harvelle (Supernatural), Mycroft (Sherlock Holmes), Wickham (Pride and Prejudice), Sebastian (Twelfth Night).

Warning: This game contains dark and mature themes.


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The Crescent City Institute; on Scribbld.com [08 Jan 2011|08:20pm]




Character Directory
Wanted List
School Info
The Crescent City Institute of Magic has a long history of educating the best and brightest Witches and Wizards in the United States. Located on the grounds of an old plantation near New Orleans, CCI has a culture shaped both by its students and faculty, as well as by the close proximity of New Orleans itself.

CCI has been through changes in recent years. Hurricane Katrina hit the school hard, as it did all of the region. Many upperclassmen will remember the previous headmaster’s tragic death during the storm as he tried to help evacuate the school.

As the new school year begins, more changes are in store. Adversaries old and new are drawn to New Orleans like moths to a flame, and strange…things…abound. One thing is for certain: this year, petty high school drama will be the least of anyone’s concerns…

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