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[05 Dec 2008|08:12am]

``Their ultimate question: What does destiny have in store for them?``

The Story
There are mutants. There are metahumans. But there is one thing you must remember. There is no Justice League, no Teen Titans, no X-Men, no Brotherhood, no superheroes, and no super villains. It is a normal world. Well, as normal as a world can get when you have mutants, super powered humans, and aliens running around.

Wayne Academy is a school for the Gifted that found its roots by a young woman named Diana Prince. She came to New York City from a small Amazon nation to study the modern world and report back to her mother and the rest of her society. However, while on her mission, she would meet a young man named Erik Lensherr, a mutant who could control metal.

The two of them discovered a common belief that all with special abilities – especially children – needed a place where they could feel safe from those whom did not understand them. Together, they opened a school, to help students who were mutants, metahumans, extra-terrestrials or normal children who were special in their own way. Funded by Bruce Wayne and Charles Xavier, the school is located in New York City.

High school aged students from all over the world come to Wayne Academy to learn how to control their powers. It is a place where they can be who they truly are without fearing for their lives. The school is known to the public as a school for mutants, aliens, and metahumans and is widely advertised as a safe haven for school aged super kids. There have been no attacks on the school so far.

Spots Available:
Freshmen: 08 | Sophomores: 06 | Juniors: 03 | Seniors: 04


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    [05 Dec 2008|02:01pm]

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    Welcome to The Quidditch Village

    In December 2003, the Ministry of Magic decided to hold a Quidditch Tournament with the old four teams when Harry Potter was a member. All four Hogwarts Teams decided to go, although some notable players were missing as they had died in battle, they still went to Hogwarts on April 14th. It was meant to be a fun way to start a new tradition of bring past players to the Hogwarts Pitch.

    As Oliver Wood, Marcus Flint, Roger Davies, and Zacharias Smith walked to the center to shake hands, the teams surrounded them in a circle. That's when it happened. To the 28 players standing on the pitch it felt as though the ground had fallen out from beneath them. It was almost like a dream as they landed just outside a village. They all looked around trying to figure out what had happened. Seconds later an old woman who wouldn't show her face walked up to them, some had their wands drawn, some were just watching, some were getting ready to cry. As the old woman opened her mouth to speak, two figures started to walk towards her...

    "Welcome, it is about time you showed up. We've been waiting for you. Welcome to your new home. You are tasked with completing a tournament and figuring out life here. You all have a room, and a job. Don't worry, time here isn't what you are used to. You will not miss anything from the world you are from.

    There are two additional players here, they will take their rightful spots on Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. The two who have come in their place will act as substitutes for all four teams." The old woman smiled at them, and the two men flanking her showed their faces... Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley. Each has been here since their respected deaths, growing to the age they would have been in your world."

    Each player was quickly assigned a room, a journal to communicate in that also tells them when practice and matches are, and a day job... There is no trading, it is merely what the lives of these 30 Quidditch players now lead... With the promise as soon as a winner is announced they can go home....

    Let the Games Start...

    Needed: Rebecca Chambers, Terence Higgs, Fred Weasley

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    Devil's Tower [05 Dec 2008|03:46pm]

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