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Foreshock: A FFVII RPG [14 Oct 2008|06:31am]

✘// f o r e s h o c k

Welcome to Foreshock. The year is 1990 in the urban metropolis of Midgar. ShinRa Electric Power Company is waging war against Wutai and winning, but not without considerable losses. Many of their operatives were killed, captured, or simply went missing in action. ShinRa's enemies are small but rapidly growing, as the company's reactors and policies come under fire from a growing threat in the guise of radical anti-ShinRa environmentalist groups. ShinRa needs you to help fight the encroaching enmity, and uphold its values and goals in providing the Shining City on a Hill for the population of Midgar.

Come join us in Foreshock, a liveJournal roleplay based on the world of Final Fantasy VII. The story begins about seven years prior to the beginning of the original game and is based around (but by no means limited to) the events of Crisis Core. Expect extensive timeline analysis to provide in-depth plots and intriguing role-play experiences.

If you're interested in playing an old-stlye canon game, read through the info below and drop us an app! We can't wait to play with you!


Foreshock is a fairly new Final Fantasy VII pre-game RPG. We've recently started play and we're still open for applications, including canon and original roles! Come check us out.

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Basis of Everything [14 Oct 2008|10:03am]

basis of everything

It's 1977; school has started in earnest, and everyone is settling in for yet another perfectly normal year at Hogwarts. The homework is piled on, the threat of looming exams being beaten into ignorant minds, but all the while... something doesn't feel right.

It's so much darker this year than it was last year. The days seem to be shortening beyond comprehension. The fog is thick and cold and constant, not to mention the fact that everyone seems so glum. There are disappearances being noted in the newspaper, but everything seems vague, as though someone knows what is going on, but too afraid to voice it aloud.

The teachers seem a bit on edge, uncertain how to handle the evil that is lurking in the shadows. The students, for the most part, are completely unaware of what is going on, even those whose parents are deep in the throes of swearing their allegiance to one side or another. The students, it seems, live in a world of their own, one untouched by the misery and doom of the outside world.

No one will say aloud what is really happening. Even after the attacks on Beauxbatons and Kinnitty, there is too much fear to put a name to the tragedies. People are too quick to label them as accidents, or to pretend that just because nine seemingly safe months have passed, that it's time we forgot our fear of what lurks unseen. The disappearances? They're not worth mentioning... right?

There they are, standing on the edge at the basis of everything, wondering when they will fall
waiting to fall

Basis of Everything is a Marauder Era RPG set in 1977, in the Marauder's final year of Hogwarts. We're not too canon around here, and this is a slightly AU board. We don't take ourselves too seriously, and if you're going to call us up on having the wrong canon characters together... well, c'mon, this is a game!

Here at BOE, we pay attention to the canon aspects that matter and do our own thing otherwise. Characters behave as canon would dictate them to, with a little fandom mixed in there too. We're not too strict, and we're all here to play and have a good time. If, like us, you like to create drama or partake in funny threads, then you're just our sort of person!

We were previously open on boe.pandoras-closet.net, an invisionfree forum, but have just moved to livejournal. It's fun and exciting, and a little new to us, so be gentle! We're the patient kind, and we have a lot of backstory. Our characters are developed and dear to us, and as a pretty large and friendly community, we're always looking for similarly minded people. So, take a look at our canon list and write us up an application, we'd love to have you!
a pandora's closet production

BOE is run by Rena, Mel and Molly, and you can contact us at basisofeverything[at]gmail.com. Rena and Mel are admins of Pandora's Closet, where Molly is Graphic Staff. BOE is Pandora's resident rpg forum, so if you want graphics for your character, be it a header for your journal, some icons, or some sort of graphic for your profile, you should register on Pandora's and request from our large and helpful group of artists. We're ready and willing to help!

profile codes | boe members | boe rpg | pandora's closet
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A Twilight RPG [14 Oct 2008|10:08am]

Premise | Characters/PBs | Application | Children of the Moon | Quileute Werewolves | Vampires
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[14 Oct 2008|11:58am]
[info]paparazzi_Anyone from any FBR band that isn't taken, any scene queens not taken, Jeffree Star, Boys Like Girls, Metro Station, 3oh!3. How about some alternative bands? MCR, The Used, Evanescence, 30 Seconds to Mars, Papa Roach, Avenged Sevenfold, Bleeding Through, James Hart, any and all actors and actresses not taken. Kirsten wants some co-stars and so does Selena Gomez. Anyone not taken. Adds done every night!
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[14 Oct 2008|03:26pm]
They weren't sure what caused it, just that it happened. A spill. Not lethal-- not enough to kill anyone. It was hardly enough to make anyone sick, really. So the powers that be, let it be. It was going to be too hard to clean up anyways. And the public turmoil it would have caused--! Too much trouble for one little, teensy mishap. It wasn't hard to cover it up. They made up for the lost chemicals by claiming they used too much in another project. When push came to shove, the scientists at the plant went into great (fake) detail, and no more questions were asked.

It wasn't until they realized that it'd gotten into the drinking supply that they started getting worried. People began showing up at the clinics and the hospital with shortness of breath, stomach bugs, and headaches. 'These things are normal in the summer months,' the doctors told the patients, and they went home unhelped. Sure, they were normal-- stomach bugs and headaches. But was it normal for a cut to heal overnight? Or fire to just spontaneously burst from a hand? Doubtful.

And it wasn't just a few people. It was the entire town of Bristol, Rhode Island that was affected. Everyone who had a sip to drink from the tap or cooked spaghetti or showered. Everyone.

How will the town cope with their new powers? Will they take advantage of them or refuse to embrace their fates? Will the entire population turn into a giant battle of good vs. evil?

One thing is for sure. There's something in the water....

Characters | Premise | Rules | Abilities | Application | Friend All | Contact List | F.A.Q

NEW AVAILABLE POWERS:</b> Pyrokinesis, Electromagnetism, Magnetism, Influencing Events, Lung Adaptation, Regeneration, Photon Manipulation, Telescopic Vision, etc
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[14 Oct 2008|03:42pm]

Kingdom RPG is a game based on the every day lives of the residents of Kingdom, Oregon. Its residents are varied and each comes with their own special twist; they're all the reincarnations of a classic Disney Character. Though they are not aware of this, and are by no means dictated by their past lives, each has a quirk or two that could hint at where they came from originally. This is a game driven by plot created by the interactions between people and the bonds that form and break because of circumstances that may or may not be under their control.

Premise . Rules . Held . Character List . Accepted Film Choices
Application . Wanted . Questions & Comments . Housekeeping

Contact List . Friends Button

Adds every Sunday
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[14 Oct 2008|04:44pm]

[info]landing_rpg | [info]landing_ooc
| Characters | Parent List | PB's | Rules | Application | FAQ | Wanted |

An AU social Future Era Harry Potter game

Join if you enjoy a social, friendly playing environment!

WANTED! Hugo Weasley, Miklos Krum, Brecken Longbottom, Charles Goyel, Quincey Goyle, Aaron Warrington, Raleigh Weasley, 5th year Boys, 6th year Boys, 7th year boys, 6th year Ravenclaws, and More!

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[14 Oct 2008|06:15pm]

the plot;
For hundreds and hundreds of years, magic has always worked the way people expected it to. Spells did what they were meant to, and things followed the general path that people were used to them following. But now its 2004, six years after the demise of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, and something is going awry. Spells are not working the way they should be any longer. It has started out small at first, to the point where most people don't even notice, they just assume they've cast the spell wrong and continue on their way. But now the changes are becoming much more obvious, and its quickly becoming clear that magic has gone awry.

A witch who casts a spell to straighten her hair might find that its turned funny colors instead. A wizard who casts lumos to see in the dark might find himself glowing abnormally for hours at a time. A witch who casts alohomora on a locked door might suddenly find that instead of unlocking a door she's unlocked herself and that now she can speak nothing but the truth. The object a witch or wizard is trying to transform can turn into any number of things, either related or not at all related to the intended transformation. Spells don't always go wrong, but more often than not they do. This is an RPG where things aren't as though they've always seemed. This is an RPG where anything can happen.
the game;
[info]itsmadness is a post Deathly Hallows, canon compliant (up until before the epilogue), Harry Potter RPG. Our game is different than others and it aims to give your characters to have a chance to come up with wild and crazy plot for your characters, all while interacting however you want with other players.

We are searching for creative, active, original and good quality players who are ready to join and help us experiment within this amazing world. No experience is required.
to join;
[info]itsmadness is currently accepting applications and the game has been open since October 12th. We are accepting for most characters in the Harry Potter Lexicon, but are especially searching for:

Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, Harry Potter, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Ernie MacMillan, Zacharias Smith, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Terry Boot, Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Padma Patil, Anthony Goldstein, Michael Corner,Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas and Tracey Davis. See a full list of all of our wanted characters here.
Available Characters - Cast List - Rules - Posting Guides - Application - Moderators
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Sappho Roleplay: An HP FEMSLASH Game, because the boys can't have all the fun! [14 Oct 2008|06:49pm]

(game links)
Plot | Rules of the Game | Application | Character List | PBs List | Class Lists and Clubs | Friends Adder and Profile Layouts | Player Contact

[info]sappho_rpg - in character | [info]sappho_ooc - out of character | [info]sappho_mods - mods journal | [info]sappho_history - backstory and history

(community information)
Sappho RPG is a Femslash game, based in Hogwarts and in the Trio's era, what would be their Sixth Year at Hogwarts. It follows canon up until the end of Fifth Year, and after that, things turn a bit... fun.

After all, the guys can't have all the fun slashing it up, right? We didn't think it was fair, either.

So now, the girls get to have a bit of fun, and share it through linked journals that were handed out at the beginning of the school year.
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[14 Oct 2008|10:13pm]

The Ministry was invincible. It would always exist, and it would always be the same.

mwpp since 2005

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