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[23 Sep 2008|11:46am]

- characters - casted - application -

In 1975, as Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs (better known as the Marauders, at least to themselves) enter their 5th year at Hogwarts, the wizarding world as they know it is slowly changing.

Like the first touch of cool rain, dark whisperings are beginning to be heard among wizards, particularly those of the oldest pureblooded families. Something is coming - and as it arrives, the whispers will rise to voices, and eventually all wizards of the world will hear the echoes of screams.

Dark Voices follows the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as they learn to adapt to a changing world. Making friends, forming alliances, standing for what they believe in, and all hoping that they will be left standing in the end.

A new game with over 30 characters, Dark Voices is looking for some more Order members to balance out the Death Eaters, and more female Hogwarts students, as there are a lot more boys right now! Hogwarts professors are also welcome.

Characters that we are in desparate need of: Amycus Carrow, Lucius Malfoy, Ted Tonks, and Peter Pettigrew.

Some character that we'd appreciate are: Hestia Jones, Dorcas Meadows, Benjy Fenwick, Marlene McKinnon, Frank Longbottom, Theodore Nott...... Not to mention anyone else you can think of!

Dark voices DOES accept original characters!


[info]darkvoices - [info]voicemods - [info]voicesooc - [info]voicenotes

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[23 Sep 2008|01:18pm]


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[23 Sep 2008|07:04pm]

Rules and Guidelines | Available Characters | Application | Timeline | Marriage List | Played-By's

Getting Hitched is a game for those who are looking for a change of pace where games are concerned. Sure, the concept has likely been done before, but with the choices out there (Rebuilding the wizarding world vs. Rewriting the final chapters), it's definitely time for a bit of lighthearted fun.

In the Spring of 2002, after years of finally rebuilding the wizarding world to its former glory, Minister of Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt enacted a piece of legislation that took the wizarding world by storm. Citing Albus Dumbledore, Minister Shacklebolt expressed his concern over the lines that were still drawn between those who were pureblood and those who didn't have tapestries filled with magical family members for generations and generations. Shacklebolt wanted a "state where everyone was equal," where no one was "judged or made to feel inferior as a result of their birth." The message was embraced by a large percentage of wizarding Britain, though many were curious about how such a utopia could be reached.

After his inspiring speech, nothing happened. Many started to question Shacklebolt and began to wonder if he was going to be just like the previous Ministers of Magic: men who promised the world on a silver platter, but never came through with their promised. Unfortunately, this was far from the case. Inside his office, Kingsley Shacklebolt was busy pushing legislation and finalizing his plans, and on 01 September 2002, they were announced publicly and printed in the Daily Prophet.

It was called The Marriage Decree - a plan to unite all those with magical abilities together regardless of their blood status. All unmarried citizens of legal age are now required to register their marital status with the Ministry of Magic the day they turn seventeen. Those who do fail to apply by the new laws are considered social terrorists. Those who do register in accordance with the decree can expect an official letter naming the match the Ministry approved and a date for when the marriage must be carried out by. All marriages, arranged or otherwise, must also be approved by the Ministry.

Who will you be getting hitched to?

Most Wanted Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Michael Corner, Terry Boot, Luna Lovegood, Hannah Abbott, Theodore Nott, and many, many more!

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[23 Sep 2008|09:56pm]
[info]mythos ~ An Alexander the Great for a storyline. I don't expect the user to know everything about Alexander, as I realize how much material that is. I can PM or discuss storyline details on IM with any interested parties.

If not that, then more Norse myths, please.
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[23 Sep 2008|10:12pm]

Cast ~ Rules ~ Application
Friend Button ~ Contact

If you could live forever, what would you live for?

An easy enough question it would seem. But what happens when there are those who are eager to rush time, speed up the inevitable, and ultimately, toy with fate? The Volturi are the most powerful force in the mythical world and will use their prestige and talent to obtain what they want, disregarding the means it takes to get it. Ever since witnessing the extraordinary power between the bond of Bella Swan and the Cullen family in addition to the strange ability Bella, a mere human, has against their prized skills, they give the Cullens an ultimatum: Transform Bella into an immortal or they'll do it themselves. Despite being promised it would be taken care of, the Volturi grow impatient. Even with wedding invitations newly sent, a sure sign of the looming future regarding Bella's immortality, Alice has a vision that changes the course of everything. It seems they don't only require Bella's transformation -- they require Bella and will stop at nothing to have her become a part of them. Time is running out and important decisions need to be made. Who will ultimately change Bella? What will happen to the treaty between the vampires and the wolves regarding the severity of the issue? Who will fight if the Volturi refuse to settle things peacefully?

La Tua Cantante will answer these and many more. This brand new Twilight series AU game is set after Eclipse, upholding the events in the first three books in the series up until that point. We will not be following the plot of Breaking Dawn and assure we are spoiler free in order for everyone to participate. The game just opened on August 17th and there are tons of roles still available. Apply today at [info]ltcmods!

We really need Aro! Other wanted characters: Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Esme Cullen, Quil Alteara, Jared, Irina, Tanya, Garrett, and more!

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[ viewing | September 23rd, 2008 ]
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