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[26 Jan 2008|12:52am]

Beverly Hills has long been the location of some of the richest, most famous people in the world. Several of its most notable residents make their home in Beverly Park, an exclusive gated community. But being on top isn't always as easy and glamorous as the movies make it seem. Don't believe me? Find out for yourself.

Brand new game, tons of premades, adds after sufficient amount of applications!

[info]beverlypark | [info]beverlyparkmod
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[26 Jan 2008|12:55am]

Rules | Character List | Application | Contact List | Played By's

Asphodel: Powdered root of asphodel is used in the Draught of Living Death. This plant is traditionally associated with the afterlife and the underworld.

We are living in a world of uncertainty now. Before, the only worries we truly had were whether or not we would pass our examinations or if the marauders were the ones responsible for turning everyone's hair a nice shade of lilac. But times are changing and things are getting darker out in the real world. A growing army is fast approaching; friends and family members are disappearing more often and there are a growing number of events happening that can no longer be explained easily. All done by he who dare calls himself Lord.

Asphodel is a game focused almost entirely on the war of the late 1970s that threw the entire wizarding world into chaos. With darkening themes and realistic events, it won't be for those who are faint at heart and can't bear to sit back and watch our most beloved characters thrown into the lion's den.

Wanted Characters: Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Mary MacDonald, Evan Rosier, Marlene McKinnon Lucius Malfoy, Gideon and Fabian Prewett, Molly and Arthur Weasley...basically, all characters are up for grabs!
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[26 Jan 2008|05:02am]

Game History x Rules x FAQ x App x Held x Cast x Contact/F-Button

Started in July, Anomalous was a long running game on GJ which, due to the fact of our dedicated previous members, it was petitioned to be brought back from the dead..

adjective 1. deviating from or inconsistent with the common order, form, or rule; irregular; abnormal: Advanced forms of life may be anomalous in the universe.
2. not fitting into a common or familiar type, classification, or pattern; unusual.

Welcome to a world influenced by power.

There are no superhuman heroes, no dastardly villains here. You may be used to hearing stories of people joining secret teams and forming legions, flying around on planes, but this is not a comic book. This is a generation of gifted humans who, in the past year, have lost their once normal lives. Some of these "mutations" were worse than others, but together they all are united in the fact that their lives will never be the same again.

People began to notice things wrong with themselves. Wounds would heal faster, massive headaches would ensue, and suddenly they were in a different room. A man prayed to God that the next time he opened his eyes, his glance wouldn't destroy whatever fell within his gaze.

When the American government found out about these "super beings", one thing stood in mutual agreement; they were a threat. Like all threats, they must be contained and exposed of. The general public, perpetually afraid of the different and strange, spawned hate crimes that spread like wild fire. This evolutionary jump wasn't just isolated to the United States. All over the world, people began to realize their true potential. Forign governments are trying to recruit them to military forces, wanting nothing more than to control them. Scientists search out these special people, their intentions both good and bad. What was once considered normalcy has been corrupted. Questions with no anwers are on the tip of everyone's tongue: How, or why; are they connected? Is there a greater purpose, be it dark or light, that they must face?

People noticed things wrong with themselves. Wounds would heal faster, massive headaches would ensue, and suddenly they were in a different room. A man prayed to God that the next time he opened his eyes, his glance wouldn't destroy whatever fell within his gaze.

Arguments of the rights belonging to these once normal beings began the hot debate for political meetings. Should they be required to register, and if they had too strong of an ability should they be "dealt with"? Already, many of these "freaks", as some would call them, were using their powers for personal gain, and there was a concern that it would escalate. They would rob, they would cheat, and they would kill to seek vengence.

Then there were those who tried to stay out of the limelight, frightened of their powers and the consequences that came with them. And there were those who found these powers as a way to gain attention, using them to save lives and get their name flashed on the evening news.

There has also been more signifigant damage. An earthquake has, for the most part, destroyed Sussex, New York. In response to this disaster, a panel was formed. These individuals are now one of the driving powers behind the future of the Anomalous. Some of the memebers would see these super-powered humans destroyed, or rounded up. While others are secretly fighting to keep their own freedom.

Senetor Kelly, the main force behind ostracizing the Anomalous, was wounded at his own birthday celebration. Many other people were hurt...some were killed. The blame for this "attack" was placed on this new brand of humanity. Laws were passed, to help protect the citizens of New York. The first, the Heddison Law, prohibits any use of Anomalous ability against any member of city law enforcement. The second is the Couventry Law, restricing the use of power at any group function or public event.

For the last month, there has been peace. With no violent outbursts from either side, New York City is holding a collective breath. Who will make the next move?

These are The Anomalous - the changed, the powerful, the revolutionized.

WANTED We really want fun, exciting muns to join our game. People whom are dedicated in knowing that they're not just going to be sending in an application, and jumping off into a hiatus/limbo. As far as characters, males, as always. Our Wanda mun really wants a Pietro. I personally would like to see someone take Shadowcat, Rogue, or Husk. Perhaps start a medley of generation xers, since, Monet, Jubilee and Chamber are taken. xD I can dream big, right?We would love to see more characters whose powers haven't manifested yet and just SO MANY OTHERS. We have a lot of good characters that need to be snatched up! Request a hold RIGHT NOW!!

Anomalous is a AU X-Men game, if you didn't notice from reading the above. We've been around seven months before dropping off into an "hiatus". Which I think it should be noted, that the original players of this game WANTED it to come back. We have a lot of dedicated, active people. The above was the premise since the beginning, which has been altered to "update the viewer"; however, you should definitely read our in-game history if wishing to apply. Which, we would definitely love to have you.
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[26 Jan 2008|09:45am]
[info]hardcover opens after 25 apps
[info]latesttrendrp - opens after 20
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[26 Jan 2008|10:00am]

Rules | About Us | Taken Characters | Wanted Characters | Banned/Restricted | Player Info Sheet

In a world of mutant decimation and superhero registration, Cable brought together a new X-Force team to work for his vision of a better world in ways that the X-Men, as a publicly known and registered team, can no longer operate. To keep the team undercover from the cape killers, he also recruited super-musicians, bringing together the Resistance Tour, a controversial mutant rock tour. Balancing a cover job as part of a high profile celebrity entourage and covert operations to protect mutants from those who fear and hate them is all in a day's work when you're part of a Tour de Force.

Game has been active for 1 year – On a short hiatus as we move from GreatestJournal to a private server. It’s the perfect time to apply!

Format: Journal-Based
Canon: AU, strongly based in Marvel 616 comic Universe.
Rating: G – NC/17
Age Limit: 19+
What we’re looking for: Strong writers, comic readers, x-men geeks

Interested? Fill out the Potential Player Info Sheet and send it to tourmods@live.com
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LINE OF FIRE RPG. [26 Jan 2008|11:31am]

Line Of Fire
  • Open since March 2007 and still strong!
  • Mass-Storyline scenes at least every other month to allow everyone to get in on the big plot twists.
  • Dramatic, Adult storylines for writers looking for more intricate storylines.
  • You don't have to join in with one of the mob families; plenty of neutral/citizen character slots open!
  • Choose Irish; Italian; FBI; Neutral; or for a little added twist - Playing Both Sides
  • Both AIM/Thread friendly
  • Active, helpful mod staff willing to help any new player find the perfect spot in the game.
  • Seasoned players ready and willing to brainstorm/offer plots!

    Harvard University - NOW OPEN!

  • Line of Fire is now actively accepting Harvard (and Boston College) students into the action!

    places of interest. | wanted. | holds.

    Line of Fire on INSANEjournal

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    [26 Jan 2008|12:55pm]

    PlayedBys . Characters . Rules . Application .
    This game is MOSTLY AU. It's the trio's 7th year! You can play students, teachers, alumni or whatever you want. Incorporate the older alumni into the school however you want, or you can play them out of the school. The game is based on HET smut and relationships. The war is over, Voldemort is dead but Death Eaters and his supporters are still around and on the run. We like detailed writers even if it's a smutty game. The year is 1997 and the game will start on the 2nd of September when classes are getting started. Deaths from Deathly Hallows are void and all the characters are up for grabs. Yes, we have rules! Canon peronalities and relationships are required. While it's a smut game with some crack value, we want THAT canon touch. This means H/G, R/Hr, etc. If you don't like those, sorry. Play somewhere or someone else. Slash is now allowed, but will be severely monitored and limited.
    Everyone right now. Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Draco, Pansy, Astoria, Ernie, Hannah, Susan, Michael, Lisa, Mandy, Theodore, Blaise, Daphne, Luna, Neville, the Weasleys, Fleur, Viktor, Victoria, Demelza, Katie, Alicia, Oliver, Marcus, Adrian, Kevin, Su, Terry, Anthony, Wayne + MORE.
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    [26 Jan 2008|01:53pm]
    Nearly spring and where is Harry Potter? Hogwarts keeps their ear out for any news while they deal with the horror of Snape and the Carrows. Freedoms they took for granted are stolen from them and many friends are even missing because of their blood status. The only ones getting a break are the Purebloods that get a kick out of torture and pain. Without the Trio, the small amount of D.A.s left in school try with almost no effect to stop the terror destroying their school and with what secrecy they can afford, they recruit new members as much as humanly possible during the small amounts of socialization allowed by their new Headmaster along with covertly spreading propaganda, including painting messages on the wall. Those outside lucky enough to be picked up by the Order are moved to there own personal prison stuck deep in Muggle London being taught and protected by Graduates and Order members. The ministry has been infiltrated. Slowly the corruption is being spread to every nook and cranny of Magical establishments. Not one single person is safe, not even Purebloods. How long can the students and Order hold off before completely being taken over by the evil that runs among them?
    This is a Trio era DH game which is slightly AU and will continue to be. We are friendly toward most everything and there will be a lot of mature situations and themes, so no one under 17.


    WHO WE WANT: Dumbledore's Army (& new recruits), Muggleborns and some Halfbloods to be out of Hogwarts and under Order protection, Halfbloods to be picked on and sassy in school, Purebloods to be bullies and elitists, Graduates that will help with Order or DE business and be useful in other such ways.

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    [26 Jan 2008|03:54pm]
    Time of Trial Banner made by Kacey

    Rules/Character List/Format/Application/Sample Application/Plot/Game Facts/Played-Bys/Contact List/Friends Button/Backstory/Qudditch Teams

    What if the Prophecy that made Harry Potter the 'Boy who lived' hadn't been given to the Dark Lord? What if a falsified Prophecy had been passed to him instead?

    The year is 1995, When Harry, Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts. A few changes have been made to the staff over the summer, the most noticeable being the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor; A Mr. Tom Marvolo Riddle. His new post is widely questioned by the wizarding world; The man has been convicted of murders throughout the seventies, why would Dumbledore hire him to teach young children? Dumbledore simply plays it off saying that he has applied "twice before". That he has not been able to be convicted of anything. Mr. Riddle has, after all, been studying abroad since the 1980's, and is very knowledgeable on his subject.

    Most Wanted: Luna Lovegood, Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Cho Chang, Lucius Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew, Bellatrix Lestrange, Slytherins and Death Eaters!
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    [26 Jan 2008|04:53pm]

    The war is over.
    Harry Potter remains the first Master of the Three Deathly Hallows.
    But not the true master, since one has been lost. And then forgotten.

    The year is 2008. Harry Potter has been Head of the Auror Department at the Ministry of Magic for a year now. People are settling down, starting families, and for once in a long time the Wizarding World has been at peace.

    But something so important that has been released cannot stay forgotten for long.

    On December 21st 2007, a 4th yeah Gryffindor boy was serving his last detention before going home for the Christmas Holidays. He was near the outer edge of the Forbidden Forest collecting herbs for the Potions storage room that he'd managed to ruin with his spoiled potion. He was kicking through the snow near the edge of tree by the clearing when he found two peculiar stones. It was the darkness in colour and the strange way the light from his wand reflected it... He quickly stored them in his pocket when he heard Hagrid calling him and the stones were soon forgotten again.

    The next day most of the students had left Hogwarts and gone home. It was by an extreme coincidence that this young boy's mother worked in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic. In the process of him coming home, the stones had been swifted from the boy's pockets to the Mother's pocket. It was a habit she had while doing the laundry, so nothing would get lost.

    Once the holidays were over, and the children had been sent back to school, all parents of course went back to the regular routines. The frazzled mother of course hadn't off from work for weeks, and now was returning again. With the stones in her pocket. She'd absently taken them from there and placed them on her desk. They sat there for weeks, until they'd covered with papers and books. Again, forgotten.

    But by another chance, a book and some papers were needed from this pile by an Unspeakable. The stones had been picked up in the process, and taken to the veil room. Unbeknownst to anyone, the stones fell on the rocks. Ignored, and picked around, until eventually... they came in contact with the arch...

    Gently, hardly anyone noticed right away, but a hand came and pushed the veil aside and a tall figure stepped out. He was soon followed by another man and two women.

    "Where are we?"
    "Godric... what have you gone and done now?"
    "I have done nothing!"
    "You always say that."
    "He has a point."
    "Well this time it is true!!"
    "Well we are no longer at the Castle."
    "Quite astute of you, Rowena."

    Their conversation ceased as the noticed the stunned Unspeakables standing around them.
    "You... came out of the veil! The Minister must be informed at once!"

    The mysterious four looked to the archway behind them, and all four seemed to nod to each other in agreement.
    "We will accompany you, in order to straighten this out," one of the men answered for the others.

    Once the room was clear and the arch way no longer blocked, again hands gradually came out from behind the veil. The voices louder. All of them anxious, fearful, confusion, excitement. Fighting for life. Some came staggering out before disappearing into wisps of light traveling far away from the Ministry. The stronger the essence, the longer they stayed, exhale lasting for an hour.

    And then there was one. A gleeful youth with curly blond hair. He stepped out of the veil much like the first four. He stepped out from the arch turning around, taking in the room. Then his eyes fell down till he saw the stones, his eyes a glow. He knelt down, picked them up in his hands testing the weight in his hands. "At last, I have it." was all he uttered as his excitement took control, and he too disappeared into a whisp of light to travel and reappear elsewhere.

    The stones, were no longer forgotten.


    Game | OOC | Mod Account

    The Answers | The Characters | The Faces
    The Entrance | The Players | The Gathering

    Remus Lupin, Ron Weasley, James Potter, Rolf Scamander, Draco Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, Sirius Black, Regular Black, Tom Riddle, Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, Slytherins, Weasleys, Longbottoms, Lestranges... etc.

    There are plenty of characters available!!

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    [26 Jan 2008|05:37pm]

    a canon post-deathly hallows rpg

    It is the year 2000, just two years after the final battle at Hogwarts. The wizarding world is still rebuilding from the fall of Lord Voldemort's reign, and although many believed they would finally have peace at last, it is not to be. Death Eaters have been able to lie, cheat, and bribe their way out of being jailed in Azkaban - and some select few have reorganized in secret to continue the Dark Lord's goal. They, however, did not agree with Lord Voldemort's ways; accepting anyone less than a pureblood was hypocrisy against their cause. Not wanting their work to be confused with Voldemort's old followers, they have given themselves a new name, in honour of the Dark Lord's original cause - the Walpurgis Knights. The Knights have worked their way into the Ministry of Magic, slowly taking over until finally controlling the Minister of Magic himself from behind the scenes, manipulating him to their will.

    But not all was going according to their plans. Just as mysteriously as magical powers appeared in this world, so too was it beginning to vanish. Wandless magic was the first to go, and is now completely unheard of. Soon after, powerful spells began failing, but no one had thought anything of it at the beginning - powerful spells were often complicated, and therefor did not always succeed. It was after this that more severe cases began to be noticed - although more and more cases were recorded beforehand, since March of 1999, there have been no children born with magical powers, regardless of blood status. It has been discovered, however, that spells and items created with ancient magic seem to have preserved themselves, and now the race has begun to obtain these artifacts to either save the wizarding world... or destroy it.

    wanted characters
    Harry Potter ♣ Hermione Granger ♣ Blaise Zabini
    Ministry Workers ♣ Walpurgis Knights
    The Macmillan Family ♣ More adults!

    full plotrulesf.a.q.character list application
    What would you do to preserve the wizarding world?

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    [26 Jan 2008|07:49pm]
    [info]hardcover Go go go! Only 4 more open until it opens. Tons of good roles still open.
    Also [info]larfing
    and [info]fireandwater because you know you wanna make my night!
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