Royal Musings

A playground for the muses

Royal Musings


July 25th, 2008

Who are you?

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Who am I?

You should know this, I'm only the most awesome person ever. Geez...

No seriously, I am.

Okay so maybe not ever but I am pretty damn awesome.

In all honesty, I'm Jason Cummings - a resident of the state of California and now an explorer and keeper of memories.

I'm also a witch? Wizard? What do you call male witches? I have the power of fire and ice, which I suppose is contradictory but that's me.

I'm also a mate to Adonis Counts and Jordan (or as I call her, Abby) Davings.

Hm, that's really about it.

I am who I am and I wouldn't change it for the world.

July 20th, 2008

Guess it's time to give into temptation...

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So I finally decided after a few months of debating, to get myself one of this journal things.

The upside? I'll get to bug Jordan and Adonis as well as Les, Scott and Dom.

The downside? Not sure how much I'll really use this thing.


Let's see, a little about me...

My name is Jason (J-A-S-O-N, and I'm a meth addict sorry intervention time) and I am nearly immortal thanks to my wonderful mates and Piper (or Les as most of us still like to call her).

Let's see...I love racing (awesome at it if I do say so myself), working on cars, getting the traveling bug so i'm starting to love traveling I like hanging out with our friends, playing sports and video games.

Guess that's all I really have to say right now. I'll post again probably when I get the hang of this thing better. We'll see.
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