Royal Musings

A playground for the muses

Royal Musings


July 19th, 2008

RP: Her muse had left her for greener pastures

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Who: Piper, Jordan, Dom, Adonis...others maybe?
Where: Majestic, then wherever...
When: 12:01 p.m.
Summary: the mun is bored Who knows really, what was a girl to do when she was just a little bit bored?
Status: Complete
Rating: PG

Piper stared at the blinking cursor then blinked before she sighed reluctantly.


Absolutely nothing.

Everything she had tried didn't seem to work. Music didn't work. Just typing anything that came to mind didn't work. It seemed that her muse had left her for greener pastures or at least a sandy beach with fruity drinks that had umbrellas. That sounded good actually. She shook her head from the thought and closed down the document before shutting her laptop.

It was quiet at Majestic today, least so far it was. She was sure it was only a matter of hours before the guys would start waking up and moving about. She had gotten up early to see if she could possibly write at all but after a few hours of staring at the screen, checking her email, drinking coffee, staring at the screen, going out for a jog and then staring at the screen again - she had started to realize she should have just stayed asleep.

Piper shook her head and stretched her legs out. "I shouldn't have bothered waking up so early," she muttered to herself.

July 18th, 2008

Prompt: Who or what is your worst enemy and why?

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This is a tough question. Upon impulse I would say my worst enemy was myself and considering I'm a vampire, that could be true. The same could be said with fire.

If I don't find ways to entertain myself through the hundreds of years that I'm alive, I'm sure to drive myself nuts. Now that I have my mates though and our friends - I'm sure I will find new and interesting things to do with my time.

Fire, well...I'm a vampire - if I catch on fire without realizing it then it could be too late. I could burn up and die right then and there. I haven't had that problem yet though so here's hoping I don't.

I rather not die, again, just yet.

Prompt: Passion

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So what do you want to know?
What is my passion in life?
What time do I feel passion for something or someone?

My passion in life, what I like to do that makes my life or unlife meaningful is cooking. I went to school to be a chef and turned out to be a damn good one if I say so myself. I love cooking and discovering new foods and recipes. I like trying new things that I've never tried before as well as reliving old classics that I never get tired of.

Being with Jordan and Jason is also right there, tied into it. I love being with those two, whether it be just hanging out, in bed, watching a movie, holding them, whatever it may be. Those two are my unlife.

God I really am turning into a sap...

June 8th, 2008

Prompt #41 Tell about one of the happiest moments in your life

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Just one?

I have quite a few really; Jordan and my mating, Jordan/Jason and my mating, the first time I told Jordan I loved her, the first time she told me that she loved me...and then I think the time that made me the most happiest when she told me, as Adonis, she loved me.

It had been after a rather long night for the both of us and it had also been around the time that I had become Adonis (which is yet another confusing and long story).

She told me that she loved me, as Adonis. Yeah...I can be a sap. Whatever.

Closed to everyone but Dom and Jordan

March 13th, 2008

Posts from: australian_love

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Jan. 6th, 2012 )

Jan. 6th, 2012 )

Jan. 9th, 2012 )

Jan. 21st, 2012 )

Jan. 25th, 2012 )

Jan. 26th, 2012 )

RP: Piper and Adonis - Maybe getting along?

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For who: Adonis and Piper (maybe: Scott, Dom, Jordan or Jason if they feel the need to come in)
Where: Anywhere and Everywhere
When: Afternoon
Summary: Now that they had that they had agreed it had been too quiet around here, it was time to get back to the swing of things...
Status: Incomplete
Rating: Use your own judgement on this one


It had been such a long time (alright, a month or so) since he purposely riled Piper, and still it was so easy to do. One or two misplaced comments here about her personality or style of dress and she'd spout off one or two backhanded comments about him and his issues. He had to give it to her, most of the time sometimes she was a worthy adversary and at other times, she wasn't. He wondered what her mood would be today.

January 13th, 2008

While the mates are away...

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For who: Adonis and Piper
Where: Adonis' house in France
When: Whenever
Summary: Piper + Adonis + Empty House + Possible Alcohol + a LOT of frustration = a lot of bantering and possible fighting.
You thought it'd be sex, didn't you? Hah, they promised themselves that'd be one time only and was on a dare the first time. This should be interesting...
Status: Complete
Private - unless Dom/Jordan or Scott feel the need to intervene.

She woke up to a nearly empty house and by nearly she meant only one other person was in the house - Adonis.

Why she was left in a house, alone with him was beyond her. She didn't know where the others went, only that they weren't there and didn't even bother waking her them up. Yeah, she may be a little irritated at that but she supposed that it meant she could go to another house and sort through more of her closets. If there was one thing she learned it was that she had a LOT of clothing, most of which she hardly ever wore.

Piper took a sip of her coffee and watched Adonis then shook her head. "Well don't we feel special? They left without waking us up."

January 8th, 2008


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There are really two parts of this answer to that.

The family who gave birth to me were of noble blood from France. My mother and father weren't the loving type and when I was eight, we moved to London. I had a sister (Dominique Rose Le Blanc) who was a year younger than I. The both of us I suppose could have been considered spoiled brats - we got what we wanted, when we wanted it. Our father was never around and cared more about what he did than us and our mother was a high class society woman who was just as cold and heartless as our father.

My family these days? Lets say - it's a whole lot better than it was. Dom is my sire and brother, Piper is that annoying sister or mother (even if it is creepy to think about), Jordan and Jason are the loves of my unlife and the other guys have become like my family as well. These people are my family and the people I spend most of my time around. These are my brothers, "daddy/mummy" (although I'm sure they'll kill me again for that), and my wife/husband to be.

Needless to say - anyone who harms a hair on their head will be dead before they can blink. I protect what is mine those who are in my family, even Piper.

January 6th, 2008

Adonis/Jordan bonding

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For who: Jordan and Adonis
Where: Paris, France and where the road takes them...
When: TBA
Status: Complete

The group had just finished a traditional French dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. Adonis wasn't really in the mood to watch a movie as others had suggested, what he really wanted to do was take a walk and get some air. He looked down at Jordan and smiled softly, "you want to go for a walk with me, Belle?"

January 5th, 2008

Prompt #17 :What is the best -- or worst -- advice you have ever received?

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The best: Go for what you want and to hell with the consequences.
How do you think Jordan and I have got to where we are?

The worst: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
For any other normal human - that would be true. For a vampire? It took dieing to make me stronger. Go figure.

What makes me laugh?

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Hm, there's a lot of things that make me laugh:

Jordan - just being with her and having fun
Sarcasm and British humour
Pissing Piper off
Hanging out with friends

Surprised that a lot of things make me laugh, aren't you?

January 4th, 2008


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I refuse to tell anyone about my fears (except for Jordan because she already knows).

In other words: Fear = Sucks

November 9th, 2007

What was your most embarrassing moment? (Closed)

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This question again? Really? Must I have to relive it?



So when I was first turned, I thought I ruled the world. Yeah, there's been no change since then. I was cocky and full of myself.

I thought I could fly.

Yes, fly.

So I tried. My sire wasn't going to stop me - he wanted to see me fall on my face.

Needless to say, I couldn't fly and well, I didn't really fall on my face. I fell on top of an old lady.

She screamed and started ranting and raving about being warlocks/demons/witches.

At that time, I was embarrased that I hadn't lived up to what I said I'd do but now looking back on it - it just makes me laugh. That is however, the most embarrasing moment I've had.

The end.

November 7th, 2007

What do I want?

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Hm, what do I want? There are many things in which I want.

So let's start it off, yeah?

I would like and in no exact order:

The oldest bottle of whiskey I can find.

Jordan underneath me in bed, right now.

To spend sometime with just my mates.

To hang out with just my Sire.

A new car.

A new piercing.

Did I mention, Jordan underneath me as I ride both of us to pleasure?


Didn't think so.

That's it.

September 29th, 2007


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So I guess this is my introduction post here, huh?

I have another one of these with my soon to be wife, Jordan but I never use it so I don't understand why I got one now.

Oh well, who am I...let's see:

a vampire
a prince
a great lover
a fighter
a mate
a husband
an asshole

I'm not...
trusting to those who I don't know
all that nice to some people
one to just sit back when others are doing things
a morning person
a smoker
an idiot
a recluse

There you go. That's me. Take it or leave it.
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