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Friday, October 2nd, 2015

    Time Event

    Two and a half years after the mishap in the Department of Mysteries the Amesoeur Project is still going strong. With Draco Malfoy overseeing that the disastrous effects of the potion have been diluted. At the first of the year he removed himself from the project, deeming it safe enough for any idiot to continue.

    Some wonder if something happened to make Draco leave the project or if he was removing himself too soon. Though speculation runs high, testing and production has not come to a stop. On February 14th, 2004 the position was released to every certified Apothecary. With the Ministry’s promise to strictly regulate the brewing and distribution of the potion, a certain calm has fallen over the masses. With orders pouring in, many shops have struggled to keep the shelves stocked as romantics work toward getting their hands on the potion.

    Are you one of them? Do you want to know? Do you think this is the help the Wizarding World needs to finally heal all those old wounds? Or do you think this will end up doing more harm than good?

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