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Saturday, August 18th, 2012

    Time Event
    Hey Gleeks! WMHS has been going strong for the last eight months and is looking to expand its talent base. If you are interested in writing with active, dedicated, funny and friendly people who love Glee and the characters associated with the show as much as you do, our small group may be for you.

    Wanted: Artie Abrams, Joe Hart, Jake Puckerman, Brody Weston, Will Schuester, Freshman Kitty & Marley, Wade "Unique" Adams, Emma Pillsbury, Chandler Kiehl, David Karofsky, Harmony Pearce, Cassandra July and The Warblers: Thad, David, Flint & Wes as well as original characters with the faces of the Glee Project kids.

    Our writers are all active, friendly, converse on aim, comment, participate in group chats & activities, group threads and scene regularly. Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!
    Located outside of the small town of Univille in South Dakota is a mysterious warehouse in the middle of nowhere. While the locals will all tell you that it’s an IRS building, they would be misinformed. The agents for this government sanctioned facility do not collect tax information, but strange artifacts with mysterious powers. These artifacts are there for safe keeping away from the public who would use or be endangered by them. The true reason for the warehouse is kept from everyone except the highest of government officials.

    Recently an unknown artifact has been activated, and it is having a strange effect on our world. People from other universes are getting stuck in our own, with no knowledge of how they got there, or how to get back to their worlds. With no option other than to keep these strangers under a close watch, the agents of Warehouse 13 are recruiting them to help in their mission of keeping the world as safe as possible. But while people keep showing up in our world from others, the agents, new and old, will have to focus on what is causing this and how to stop and reverse it.

    Relative State is a Panfandom mystery game with lots of available plot!
    *Opens with 10 Characters!*
    Playing House


    MODS  •  RPG  •  OOC


    Characters + Holds
    Wanted Characters
    In recent months, twenty-six volunteers were selected to take part in a social experiment. They would give up one year of their life, to science. Upon completing the experiment, they would be rewarded handsomely.

    For one year, they would disappear from their lives. They would tell family, work, and friends only that they were going on a Pilgrimage, and they would be gone for one year. On December 31st, 2013, they would leave their lives, and be taken to a secret place referred to only as The Compound. A large block of property and a mansion completely blocked off and barricaded away from the outside world.

    No phones, no cellphones. No television, no radio. No newspapers. No letters. And no leaving, for one year. Just twenty-six very different individuals, all selected for very different reasons, living together, no matter what. Could you do it? It seemed very simple, at the time. Everything they needed would be provided... all they had to do was give up a year, and get used to hidden cameras over their shoulders. It would be worth it.

    What they weren't told was that it would be a simple social observation. It would be a study, not only of how strangers would adapt to their surroundings and live together, but of how different people would react to various stimuli – including the occasional stressful situation.

    Everything starts off fine and dandy. The days go by, and just as everyone is starting to get comfortable, that's when weird things begin to happen. Subtle changes, at first. For several days, the temperature in the house cannot be controlled, leaving parts of the house at sky-high temperatures. Then nothing. Then it seems like in the middle of the night, walls and hallways are changing, revealing rooms that no one seems to remember.

    No power or electricity for a week. Having your inner-most secrets exposed the next. Waking up one morning to find one of your housemates - maybe one of your new friends - has been removed, and replaced. And then you discover that perhaps the lot of you aren't so random at all. It seems, that each and every one of you is somehow connected...

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