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Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

    Time Event
    The 8th Floor - a Post-War Harry Potter RPG


      The internet lives forever and travels faster than any owl, even without the help of magic. As 2005 draws to a close, the Wizarding World's in danger of finding out first-hand what the consequences of that might be. It's getting harder every day for the Ministry to protect its citizens from exposure and the old tried-and-true methods haven't kept pace with muggle advancements. Without hard work, sacrifice and maybe a miracle or two, life as everybody knows it is doomed to change forever and they're running out of time to stop it.

      There are those who don't believe revealing magic to muggles would be such a terrible thing, however. Among them is a shadowy new group whose methods are unknown but whose motives have recently become clear. They want the Statute of Secrecy overturned, regardless of the consequences, and they aren't willing to wait forever. They've already started taking steps to force the Ministry's hand and although they seem unwilling to break the masquerade themselves, nobody knows if or when that might change.

      If you're not with them, you're against them - an "enemy of wizard-kind" whose name has been posted on a list of others like you. It's a list that's growing smaller as threats are made, blood is spilled and names are crossed off once and for all.

    Mod Journal ° Available Characters ° Premise ° Cast List ° Apply

    MOST WANTED: HARRY POTTER, Muggleborns, former Slytherins, older characters.

    Community OFFICIALLY open as of last week! Come join our small group of players and create an adventure of your own in this small (BIG) town!
    Payback RPG

    Payback is a Harry Potter, Next-Gen game set in 2027. It's primarily a social game, with a game-wide plot that will be advanced from time to time. Much of the plot specifics will be determined by in-game character interactions and player input.
    On Jan 1st, 2027 the Daily Prophet revealed a new column called The Karma Files. Penned by an anonymous source, the Karma Files divulged gossip and secrets of the juiciest sort. At first, the column was amusing. Little tidbits that made life...interesting, to say the least. All around London, witches and wizards were all talking about the column. But then, the secrets started to get darker, and it became obvious that the author of the Karma Files has a grudge against the Wizarding World. The more dangerous the column becomes, the more everyone wonders: Are the sins of the parents going to be visited upon the next generation?


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    Interitio: a Harry Potter AU RPG

    Imagine if Peter Pettigrew hadn't betrayed the Potters. The Order was already on the brink of defeat, a new death reported every day. What would happen if Voldemort remained unchecked, unable to find the one he claims as his rival? The Order lies in shambles, most of its members dead or in hiding. And slowly, Voldemort's vision of a perfect society began to take form ... Muggleborns were expelled from Hogwarts, as well as 'impure' halfbloods with too much Muggle blood. The Ministry was taken over, piece by piece, and while Dumbledore held onto Hogwarts with his fingertips, even that has been stripped and remade ...

    Currently, Dumbledore's heath is ailing and time is coming near when he will depart ... Bellatrix Lestrange has been named Minister for Magic following the disgrace of the Malfoy family ... Bill Weasley is starting his own Resistance group to run counter to the Order ... Sirius Black struggles to maintain his role as Order spy ... Severus Snape eyes the halls of Hogwarts with envy ... and that's just the beginning

    So pick up a journal, join in, and see where Interitio takes you …

    [info]interitio [info]quies [info]linia
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    Cast ListApplication

    WANTED: BELLATRIX LESTRANGE, Frank Longbottom, Peter Pettigrew, Barty Crouch Jr., Padma Patil, Oliver Wood, Luna Lovegood, Zacharias Smith ... and more!

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