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Sunday, September 18th, 2011

    Time Event

    This game is taking the Marvel Universe and offering it to the player. Take your favorite characters and go with them to preserve the peace that is threatened by agents of chaos. How they are played and how we get there is up to us, the players. We give you full creative license. It is all up to us, as the players. The first Event is under way but more are on the way.
    Now that we have most of the important roles filled some from the mutant groups are greatly NEEDED,Beast and Forge for the x-men and Warpath and for X-force as well as quicksilver. His dear sister is looking for him. MI13 could use more members and Heroes for hire has near a full roster but more are welcome X-factor as well seems short a few hands. The Inhumans only have Black bolt and the Young Avengers are missing just the ladies! An Active Xavier would be fun seeing as most of the Illuminati are in play. Anyone else missing is also welcome. Looking forward to hearing from you.
    [info]marvelversemod | [info]themarvelverse | [info]marvelverseooc

    Premise | Rules | Taken | Bases & Places | Holds | Apply | Wanted
    Pax Letale: a modern myth game
    old gods made new

    Something is stirring in Newport Beach, California.

    One of the most affluent and exclusive areas in Orange County, Newport Beach is a safe, comfortable space where the real world has a tendency not to to intrude on the pleasures of its citizens. It's a nice, normal, friendly, monochromatic city in a county that's known for the same. In fact, many people say that the majority of Orange County seems like a construct designed to keep the troubles of real life out, creating a plasticine paradise that nothing dark or dirty can penetrate.

    The residents of Pax Letale are slowing coming to know better.

    Pax Letale is an exclusive luxury apartment building right on the beach, with easy access to the 405 and all the charm that Newport Beach has to offer. Its residents comprise a surprisingly eclectic demographic for Orange County and Newport in particular, with people from all walks of life being drawn to this building for reasons they can't quite identify.

    The common thread that binds them, of course, is that they are each of them inhabited by a sleeping god.

    As they spend more time at Pax, their gods are awakening, though -- and strange things are happening. Natural (and supernatural) mishaps and disasters, disappearing tenants, and quite recently, the concierge was brutally murdered.

    There are whispers among some that the strange island in the bay, visible from the building, has something to do with all of this. Still others are compelled by the island; if it didn't sound crazy, they'd say it was calling to them.

    They aren't crazy.

    Holds and applications are being accepted for all available pantheons.



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