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Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

    Time Event
    Marvel NextGen

    A Marvel Comics Next Generation RPG

    Game Info

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    Marvel The Next Generation
    Next Generation OOC
    Game Rules
    Character List

    Format: Scribbld
    Genre: DC Comics AU
    Rating: Mature
    Deadline: Open
    The torch is being passed.

    Heroes are starting to retire and the next generation of heroes are coming into their own. They're learning to use their powers, beating up bad guys, living up to their parents' legacies and learning responsibility in the process.

    Marvel Next Generation is a roleplaying game that deals with the next generation of heroes and villains in the entire Marvel Universe. While we gladly accept applications for X-Men and Avengers, we encourage applications for Eternals, Defenders, Inhumans, Asgardians, and other characters off the beaten path. While it deals with the next generation of heroes and villains, the setting is set in the present.

    We have a strong preference for players who are 18 and over, due to the themes often addressed in this RP. We have over 125 active player characters in the game, 300+ original NPCs and have many plots running at any given time. We accept Original Characters as well as canon characters, adult or children.

    DC Nextgen

    A DC Comics Next Generation RPG

    Game Info

    Email the Mods
    DC Next Generation
    DC Next Gen OOC
    Game Rules
    Character List

    Format: Scribbld
    Genre: DC Comics AU
    Rating: Mature
    Deadline: Open
    The torch is being passed.

    Heroes are starting to retire and the next generation of heroes are coming into their own. They're learning to use their powers, beating up bad guys, living up to their parents' legacies and learning responsibility in the process.

    DC - NextGen is a second generation DC Heroes journal RPG. While it deals with the next generation of heroes, the setting is sent in the present. The timeline roughly departs from canon in 1988, though we tend to look at it as a loose guideline. Characters from beyond that point and concepts beyond that point have been used with our current players.

    We have a strong preference for players who are 18 and over, due to the themes often addressed in this RPG. We have over 55 player characters in the game, a host of original NPCs for the game and plots going at any given time. We accept canon characters as well as original characters.

    DC Heroes

    A DC Comics RPG

    Game Info

    Email the Mods
    DC Heroes
    DC Heroes OOC
    Game Rules
    Character List

    Genre: DC Comics AU
    Rating: Mature
    Deadline: Open
    The Justice League. The Justice Society. The Teen Titans. The Birds of Prey. The Outsiders. The Lantern Corps.

    These are just a few of the individual teams who stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. They fight megalomaniacal dictators, would be world conquerors, aliens and anything else that threatens the world and innocents.

    DC Heroes is a roleplaying game that deals with heroes and villains in the entire DC Universe. While we gladly accept applications for JLA and JSA, we encourage applications for other characters off the beaten path. The DC Universe is a very big place and we would love to see characters from all aspects.

    Marvel Legends

    Marvel Comics RPG


    Contact the Mods
    Marvel Legends
    Legends Bullpen
    Game Rules


    Format: Scribbld
    Genre: Marvel Comics AU
    Rating: Mature
    Deadline: Open
    Avengers. The X-Men. The Fantastic Four. Defenders.Thunderbolts. Young
    Avengers. Runaways.

    These are just a few of the individual teams who stand up for those
    who cannot stand up for themselves. They fight megalomaniacal
    dictators, mutants who want to see mutants superior over humans, world
    devouring beings, terrorist organizations and sometimes they even
    fight each other.

    Marvel Legends is a roleplaying game that deals heroes and villains in
    the entire Marvel Universe. While we gladly accept applications for
    X-Men and Avengers, we encourage applications for Eternals, Defenders,
    Inhumans, Asgardians, and other characters off the beaten path. The
    Marvel Universe is a very big place and we would love to see
    characters from all areas.

    Avalon City Map
    Avalon City Jobs
    LXH (League of Extraordinary Heroes) is a pulp-based, multi-genre RPG. Set in modern times, in fictional Avalon City, it features good, bad, and that hazy grey area in dealing with superheroes, supervillains, mystics, demons, enhanced humans, vampires, assassins, werewolves, mutants, and everything in between. If you can think it up, it probably lives here in Avalon. We're looking for recruits with an eye for the unusual, and a rich style of character creation. Turmoil will constantly be on the horizon, as the mods aim to throw a wrench into the works every now again, for good guys and bad guys alike. Evil NPC elements will pop up from time to time, as well as squeaky clean heroes. Keep an eye out for advertisements in the Avalon Herald for wanted "guns for hire", or seek out the leaders of various factions within the city yourself. Feel free to start a personality from scratch, or take an existing character from your favourite canon and re-work them into an original character. In this game, as with Avalon City itself, anything goes...


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