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Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

    Time Event
    are you a swot?
    Voldemort was dead and life went on. Students who had spent the last year fighting for their lives suddenly found themselves in a world with limitless possibility, capable of finding new direction and new purpose. There were job interviews to go on and bills to pay. Funerals and first dates. Second dates. Weddings. Children. Twenty-eight years later, a new generation of students will be boarding the Hogwarts Express- the children of war heroes and villains alike. With the Second War safely behind them in their History of Magic textbooks, these students find themselves blessed with the opportunity to live normal lives as normal teenagers, focused on Hogsmeade weekends, school events and N.E.W.T. exams and faced with the choice to either put the past behind them or settle for living in the shadow of their parents. Adolescence is challenging enough, a time of increasing independence and creative exploration. As these teenagers prepare for their last years at Hogwarts, will they step out as individuals -- away from their parents' pasts -- or will lingering prejudices continue to affect social order?

    SWOTTING is a next-gen, canon-compliant RPG focused on character development, interpersonal relationships and providing a realistic school experience at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.



    Musings - A fictional essences RPG

    You're different from everyone else, but so are all the people who have come here before you and the people who will follow after. You look like everyone else on the street - talk like them, feel like them, but you are not them. You are something else.

    The place you come from may have been important to you, or it may not have. No one gets to choose where they come from. But that place no longer matters, because now you are here - part of a small group of immigrants that is growing every day, cousins to humanity that wear its face but wield powers it has no grasp of.

    What will you do, now that you've arrived? Will you be a hero? Will you use your advantages to do good? Or will you be a villain, or something in between, or will you pursue superiority for your kind? Will you fight for something? Do you care enough to fight?

    No one knows the answer but you, because you are different. You are different from the people you walk down the street with, and you are different from the people who came to this world from yours. You are an individual, apart from the pack of humanity and from your own kind, and the choices you make are your own.

    Welcome home. Welcome to Musings.

    Most Wanted: The Seven Evil Exs, Scott Pilgrim (Scott Pilgrim vs. The World), Magneto, Destiny, Wolverine, Iceman (X-Men), April O'Neal (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), The Beast (Beauty and the Beast), Sebastian (Twelfth Night), Stefan Salvatore (Vampire Diaries).


    It was three years ago that the world watched while on every news channel, vampires came out. Those creatures thought to be myth, legend, something out of horror movies, novels. Now were proclaiming their existence, and thanks to their own advances in medicine, were demanding fair and equal treatment as citizens of the world. The world, was changed, and it wasn't about to stop any time soon.

    Within the last three years, the world has seen vampires as citizens, a shifter vaccine for those were creatures still hidden among us, passing as humans, the legalization of raising zombies, new police forces to deal with new crimes and new kinds of criminals. No place is immune to this new world, its eyes forced open to the supernatural going on around it. New churches that can promise eternity with a bite, new protests over the dead not staying dead, new prejudices continuing the age old tradition of Us vs. Them.

    Here in the city of Refrain, it is no different. You can choose to accept and find your place in this new world, dealing with those things most were happy to turn a blind eye to, ignoring those eyes staring at you from the dark of night. Or you can protest, you can rail against the changes, you can continue ignoring them. However, there is no going back. Vampires are recognized citizens of the world. Were creatures exist and are among us. Zombies can be raised for fun or profit. Magic. Is real. Adapt, quickly, because there's no telling what is out there in the shadows that have made it a Dark Refrain.

    Dark Refrain is a mature roleplay based off of the world of the Anita Blake novels. Non canon characters only, with no word count, where writers can feel free to develop their characters at their pace within a world where the supernatural is out of the closet and now part of every day life.

    Mods | RPG | OOC | Rules | Application
    Taken | Jobs & Positions | Drop Box & F.A.Q. |

    So eager for
    The battle did not go according to plan, and Victoria was outraged to find out that her numbers were no longer in tact. She hadn't set out on that journey only to fail, and when brought face to face with one of her many enemies, she fled the scene with Riley into seclusion. Time to regroup was all she needed in order to succeed, but would it be enough? And though it was a victory in many respects, this wouldn't be the end of her vendetta against the Cullen clan.

    What if James had never really died? What if there was someone waiting in the wings for the Cullens to disperse and collected his ashes before he was completely turned to nothing but dust? He spent the months biding his time, and watching Victoria's actions from afar, amused by the lengths she would go to to avenge his murder. Unbeknownst to them, he tracked Alice, Bella and Edward all the way to Italy, keeping his distance all the while.

    With Victoria at a desperate point to bring down the Cullens and the Volturi offering to help despite their own turmoil in their inner circle, will James ever let his existence be known again? Or will he continue to simply observe the going-ons around him? And just how will the Quileutes react to the idea of Jacob Black being the rightful Alpha male?

    Now that a war is about to begin, what side will you choose?
    eternal damnation.

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    Within the lands of the True Game, humans have come to possess any combination of eleven different "talents." Beguiling, flight, firestarting, healing, necromancy, power storing, precognition, shapeshifting, telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation. People can have complete control over only one ability, or moderate levels of up to four. The world is rife with the talented but it's usually rare to find two of the exact same combinations of talents.

    Here in the Sapphire Domain, multiple talents abound though few are known to have only beguiling as a talent. Not only is this domain know for its low number of beguilers, but for an amazing amounts of years of victory in battle and peace. In fact, the domain seems just a little too perfect. What could be being hidden within its borders?

    The Sapphire Domain has been unscathed by games for the last ten years. Some say Willem is the most intelligent, tactical and all around best ruler the Sapphire Domain has ever had. Others wonder just what powers he holds that have kept him and his contingency from ever losing a battle. Whispers abound: is he hiding something? Is there a greater power than his? But the real question is, how much longer can his winning streak last?


    The tables have been turned in Britain. The Ministry of Magic, the Daily Prophet, and Hogwarts School are all infiltrated by Death Eaters, and their power is only growing as all of the older families are starting to be pressed to choose their loyalties. Not all may agree with what Lord Voldemort is trying to achieve, but who is willing to take an open stand against him, or to turn down the opportunities he can afford to those who please him?

    The moderators are seeking players eager to write collaboratively with one another, who want a highly active yet short-term Deathly Hallows game where they can richly bring a character or two fully to life during some of their most defining moments. Could this be you?

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    We want a Lucius Malfoy, George Weasley, Rodolphus Lestrange
    Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, and Minerva McGonagall among others!

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