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Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

    Time Event
    Breaking Point

    Breaking Point

    The RPG



    Plot & Premise
    Cast &

    Game Canon


    From the Daily Prophet; 2025-08-22

    A Day of Victory For He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named

    Last night was marked by a glorious event, greatly anticipated by all obedient citizens of the Wizarding World.

    Led by His Infinite Wisdom, two of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named's loyal followers finally completed the crucial task necessary to crush the opposition and carry out the ultimate justice. Leader of the resistance and traitor to the Wizarding World, Harry Potter was killed during capture by Chief of Wizengamot Bellatrix Lestrange and Lilith Lestrange, wife of Mr. Rabastan Lestrange.

    The body of Mr. Potter will be available for public viewing in the atrium of the Ministry as proof of justice's supreme victory.


    Harry Potter is dead - killed by Bellatrix Lestrange and his own daughter, now married to Rabastan Lestrange. The war, however, despite Voldemort's propaganda, is far from over. Hidden within the safety of Hogwarts, the Order of the Phoenix keeps resisting Voldemort and his Death Eaters. It's the third war, started by a spell no one understands...

    In the Summer of 2024, a pack of werewolves started terrorising the country, turning young children and brutally killing their parents. A month later the dead started returning to life. Voldemort was among the first to arrive. By spring 2025, Voldemort and the werewolves had joined forces; Hogwarts, Azkaban and Diagon Alley had been attacked, but Ministry and Order were still standing strong, forcing Voldemort to live in hiding.

    On June 18, 2025, everything changed! Voldemort launched an attack on the wizarding world, hitting King's Cross, the Hogwarts Express and the Ministry. While the forces of good spread out to protect the population, Voldemort took over the Ministry – and with it the Wizarding society. The Order and their allies fled to Hogwarts, where Headmaster Severus Snape shielded the school, making it impossible for Voldemort to gain entrance. From there, the Order launched its resistance.

    For the rest of the population, it’s comply or be killed, but under the surface, people are trying to find a way to manoeuvre outside the new laws and restrictions. In the meantime an unknown, yet undetected, spell is spreading amongst the Wizarding population, Death Eaters, Order and neutral alike. A spell which has the potential to turn the world upside down once more.


    *Plot Focused
    *OC friendly
    *Tons of characters to interact with

    Game Began July 1, 2009.

    Pelham Place

    Almost everything you ever needed to know about the future is written in the crystal; the hard part is listening to the answers. And they still won’t tell you who’s asking you to the dance Friday night.
    When you were little, your parents were surprised to find a kitten in your crib instead of an infant. Ever since, clothes seem optional because you’d rather have fur or feathers, claws instead of fingernails. Your closest friends are wolves, hawks, and others who change.
    Your parents were hardly able to believe that the way to save their sickly baby was to let them almost live in the ocean. You don’t swim like a fish; you become the water itself.

    High school is complicated enough to get through before you factor in being not-quite-human. What if you fall for the girl who’d rather be a cat than a human? What if the cute guy who asks you out is a pixie barely the length of your forearm? What if the government is really building a test facility at your school to see just how strong the magical inhabitants are?

    What if the world finds out it’s all a conspiracy, and decides that magic is dangerous?

    Some days, you just have to hope that someone else deals with it all. After all, you have finals coming up next week, and a hot date on Saturday night. And your teachers are busy coming up with new ways to torture you with homework.

    No matter how weird life is, this is still high school.

    Pelham Place is a plot friendly and ship friendly (both slash and het) game set within a boarding school for those born to the Old Races. There will be plenty of plot opportunities for both school age characters, recent graduates, and staff/faculty. Characters may be between 16 and 34 years of age, but players should be 18+ only, please.
    Premise // The Old Races // The School // History/Timelines
    Taken Characters // Wanted Characters // Hold a Character
    Mod Journal // IC Community // OOC Community

    X-2012, a simplifed X-Game
    Though mutants have only existed for two short years, Charles Xavier believes that humans and mutants can share the planet in a peaceful co-existence. He has opened his home, creating the Xavier Haven for Gifted Individuals, to all mutants who need help or seek to better the world with patience and understanding, using violence as a last resort.
    Impatient with the ignorance, fear and hatred of humans towards mutants, Erik Lensherr and his Acolytes broke away from the Haven and formed The Brotherhood of Mutants in order to pursue a dream of their own: Tolerance and acceptance now, not later. Convinced that only action will create change, they struggle to right the many injustices of the world.
    Most Wanted: Anole, Beast, Boom Boom, Cipher, Cyclops, Dazzler, Dryad, Elixir, an ex-girlfriend, Forge, Emma Frost, Gambit, Indra, Jubilee, Marvel Girl, Network, Mystique, Pixie, Siryn, Sunspot, Surge and you
    Mutants stand divided. Which side will you be on?
    GameOOCModPremiseRulesFAQTeams & Cast
    Holds & TakenWantedApplyTimelineDrop BoxSite Map
    Active since November 2009, the split brings a fresh start to new players. New blood and new ideas wanted, and minimal X-Men knowledge needed to play.




    Master Taken List
    The year is 2022, and a lot has changed at Hogwarts since Harry Potter's days there. Peace has come to the wizarding world, and lives and families have been rebuilt. In fact, everything seems to be growing and the population is flourishing. And now, after the wizarding world's own baby boom in the early to mid 2000s, Hogwarts has had to meet a greater demand for even more young witches and wizards who need their magical education. And although it was thought to be nearly impossible, the student body seemed to outgrow the campus. So a decision was made, to separate Hogwarts into two campuses---Hogwarts School for Young Men and Hogwarts School for Young Women. ...

    'Warts takes off at the beginning of the '22/'23 school year for the boys attending Hogwarts School for Young Men. It's Hogwarts as you know it [with the same houses, classes, clubs, and quidditch rivalries] only with a lot more testosterone and slashiness.

    GAME OPENED: August 16th


    Master Taken List
    The Durmstrang Institute of Magic has always been known for its prestigious reputation, and for hardworking young wizards. With a rigorous curriculum and daunting climate, it's no wonder that Durmstrang is responsible for giving the wizarding world some of their most elite young talents. There are some that even believe that it can be attributed to their strict policies on eligibility. But one thing is for certain, that whatever the reason, Durmstrang, nestled in Eastern Siberia, still continues to uphold and surpass its standards even today. But some modern wizards believe the institution to be bordering on too elite. ...

    Durms' is a slash game that takes off at the beginning of the '22/'23 school year for the boys attending Durmstrang Institute of Magic for Young Men, just in time to start the new integration project with Hogwarts set up by the schools' board of governors.

    GAME OPENED: August 16th

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