Roleplayers' Community's Journal
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Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

    Time Event
    We Now Accept Fandom OC's For Staff Positions!!
    premise | rules | faq | taken | wanted | held
    housing | employment | application | mods

    you're no one until you're talked about.

    These kids have Manhattan at their finger tips. The world is theirs, and NYC is their playground. Young, rich, and with zero rules, these teenagers have their own laws, their own claims to fame, their own hierarchy. There, GOSSIP GIRL is the director of the play. And her subjects? Their secrets will fuel the plot. Relationships will flourish and die. Kings and Queens will de-dethroned. Wannabes will rise, and the audience will ask for an encore.

    [info]newyorks is a GOSSIP GIRL-based game with original characters. It's based on the show, mainly.


    opened september 19!

    The RPG



    Rules & FAQ
    Welcome to Harmony. It’s a lovely place, clear blue skies and attractive buildings. It’s funny, but even though you just arrived, it feels like you have lived all your life here.

    Why does it feel that way? Shh, don’t tell. This town is more than what it looks. A creature, alive and breathing, luring you in—and with its former ruler gone, and no one left to control it, it is now free to do as it pleases. Magic bursts and secret organizations fighting for power means you might wake up with a different form than when you went to bed. But, what is a bizarre event every now and then, compared to the life the town offers?

    After all, Harmony likes you, and wants you to stay. It might give you a new set of family, friends, or even memories. Because, don’t forget, it cares about you. It wants you to feel at home, seeing as from now on, this is your home.

    Now accepting Original Characters! Join today>>>>>

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