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Thursday, July 1st, 2010

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    behind the veil

    A dark alternate universe Harry Potter game set in 1996.

    Only one pair was still battling... Harry saw Sirius duck Bellatrix's jet of red light: he was laughing at her.

    "Come on, you can do better than that!" he yelled, his voice echoing around the cavernous room.

    The second jet of light hit him squarely on the chest. The laughter had not quite died from his face, but his eyes widened in shock. Harry released Neville, though he was unaware of doing so. He was jumping down the steps again, pulling out his wand, as Dumbledore, too, turned towards the dais. It seemed to take Sirius an age to fall: his body curved in a graceful arc as he sank backwards through the ragged veil hanging from the arch. Harry saw the look of mingled fear and surprise on his godfather's wasted, once-handsome face as he fell through the ancient doorway and disappeared behind the veil, which fluttered for a moment as though in a high wind, then fell back into place. Harry heard Bellatrix Lestrange's triumphant scream, but knew it meant nothing - Sirius had only just fallen through the archway, he would reappear from the other side any second…

    And he did.

    Sirius found himself in a world he did not recognize. All around him were familiar faces and yet their lives were not how he remembered it. Even his own life had been lived differently.

    full premise

    Most wanted characters include:
    Harry Potter, Bellatrix Black, Narcissa Black, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Regulus Black, Dorcas Meadowes, Remus Lupin and many more!

    Opening July 10!

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