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Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

    Time Event

    premiserulesfaqtaken/holdsapplicationmod contact
    places and jobsthe townspeopleghostly things

    Grave Comfort is a supernaturally themed original character role-playing game set in a fictitious small town known as Comfort, Virginia. Established in 1763, Comfort has a rich history going back to the original colonies of America. In the present day, it is famous for the strange goings-on that happen throughout the town: mysterious lights over the woods, a haunted former prison for the criminally insane, haunted train tracks, the remains of a 19th century cult that ended in mass murder...there was even a cult slasher film series based on the town's supernatural history that has spawned an annual horror film festival. Typical tourist attractions can be found in town too, from tours on the Buckley Plantation or at the Thorpe winery to visits to the Historical Society's Museum or one of the many art galleries in town. Come to Comfort for its attractions, stay to experience its oddities.

    Welcome to Comfort!

    Looking for a Winged Wonder!
    Warren Worthington III
    is needed at Manifest Destiny
    B · A · S · I · C · S

    Warren, also known as Angel, is a mutant with the X Men. A team of five that have gone through high school and college together. He has wings and can fly, he's also heir to a large company and working to learn the ropes in management. With Excalibur moved in, we need our resident play boy to help both teams get along and ease some tension!

    T · H · E · G · A · M · E

    Manifest Destiny is based on Uncanny First Class, taking our heroes back to the beginning. Building their teams and relationships as we go. We are an old fashioned role play, where the action takes place in game, not in individual journals, and their comments.

    Premise · Rules · Characters · Drop Box · Apply
    [info]reboots: where taking your beloved Marvel characters and reinventing them is only part of the fun!

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