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Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

    Time Event
    The Alley: Next-Gen HP RPG

    Game Rules | Holds | Application | Current Cast | Important Resources
    For thirty years, the Wizarding World has enjoyed a sense of peace and prosperity. Hogwarts students have thrived in this new world, and while some mourn the loss of Wizard Tradition, most have embraced the blurring lines between what is magic and what is technology. A new branch of magic, affectionately called MagiTech, has been developed, and with it Wizards can now enjoy things previously only known to Muggles: television, movies, cell phones and the internet (known as the WWWW -- Wizard World Wide Web).

    However, there are some who do not agree with the way the current Ministry is handling things. They come from all backgrounds, and blood status, but have one thing in common: the fear that their Wizarding way of life will be lost forever if things continue. And on the night of July 1st, 2030, they're going to do something about it.

    The game will deal with the wake of a terrible act of terrorism, and focus on the lives of those left to deal with what has happened. Game opens June 12th, 2010, to give characters time to settle in before the big plot kicks off. Plot Timeline and Detailed Premise
    To Be or Not to Be: a Harry Potter post-DH RPG.

    Stats (5/2 - 5/31)
    *52 completed threads
    *20 players
    *35 characters
    *62% returning to Hogwarts
    *38% out of Hogwarts
    To Be or Not to Be is a Deathly Hallows compliant Harry Potter RPG that picks up right where the books left off (pre-epilogue). We are 75% player modded, so we review applications, make plot decisions, brainstorm, and generally run the game as a group.
    Most Wanted
    *8th year girls (any house)
    *Ernie MacMillan
    *Lee Jordan
    *Roger Davies
    *Blaise Zabini
    *Penelope Clearwater
    During the summer months, characters can help with the rebuilding of Hogwarts (weekly status updates) and generally get their lives back together. Come September, 7th and "8th" year students will return to Hogwarts but be housed off-grounds in Hogsmeade for maximum interaction potential. Several NEWTs options are available for 8th years.
    Game Began May 2, 2010

    Premise | Characters | Rules | Application | Wanted | Player-Modding

    Mod Journal | Game Asylum | Watchers Asylum

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