Roleplayers' Community's Journal
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Monday, May 10th, 2010

    Time Event
    [info]coloration brand new celeb rp community. Limited membership only because we'd like the community to be close. As of right now there are 20 spots and 0 members. There's a chance we'll open more spots up as we see fit. This is just a starting off point.
    Up the rocky coast of Maine lies the sleepy community of North Bay. It looks just like any other fisherman’s town from the outside except for the fact that it’s guarding a dark, dangerous secret. Most of the population has no idea that they are special or any different and they go about their daily lives unaware of the magic that surrounds them. That’s because many of the inhabitants of North Bay are creatures from legend or myth such as vampires, werewolves, faeries, angels and demons just to name a few. They run businesses, have houses and many are normal functioning members of society. However there is always darkness looming around every corner, especially in a community where the supernatural run amok. In the battle between good and evil whose side will you join?

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