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Wednesday, May 5th, 2010

    Time Event
    To Be or Not to Be: a Harry Potter post-DH RPG.


    Neville Longbottom
    Ernie Macmillan
    Parvati Patil
    To Be or Not to Be is a Deathly Hallows compliant Harry Potter RPG that picks up right where the books left off (pre-epilogue). Nothing fancy, just straight canon.

    We are 75% player modded, and we need you! We have a fairly stringent application process that ensures a solid group, and we would love to add to it even further. We have 31 cast characters and are looking to fill some specific gaps, but the above aren't the only ones available!
    The game began May 2, 2010, so join now to get in on the aftermath of the war from the beginning.

    The Premise | Character List | Rules | Application | Most Wanted

    Player-Modding FAQ

    It's the summer of 1997 and the new school term is about to begin. All over the country parents are sending their children off to Hogwarts, believing that they will be safe there from the dramatic changes taking place all over the country. Little do they know.

    Snape is in charge, and his motives are ambiguous at best. The Carrows rule the school with pain as punishment. Children of Death Eaters revel in their new status. But their power is tenuous at best as rebellion is rampant in the halls of Hogwarts. And Dumbledore's Army is always recruiting...

    7th Year is a canon-compliant Deathly Hallows game set at Hogwarts.

    Currently looking for: Teachers, prefects, purists, 5 Year Students, DA members, DE children
    [info]7thyear [info]7thyear_ooc [info]7thyear_post

    Game open since March 15.


    The year is 2025. Students are eager to aboard the train as they begin the journey to Hogwarts. It's September first and the castle is ready to open its doors again. But, wait, eager, you say? . . .

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