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Saturday, October 17th, 2009

    Time Event
    Breaking Point

    Breaking Point

    The RPG

    AU Comm


    Cast &

    Plot Timeline

    Ron Weasley
    James Potter
    Remus Lupin
    Lily Potter
    Severus Snape
    Hugo Weasley
    Luna (Lovegood) Scamander
    The Founders
    Hogwarts Students
    Aurors - Canon or OC
    Many more.

    The Premise

    Neville Longbottom heads Hogwarts.
    Astoria Malfoy has just taken over the Board of Governors.
    Too many somethings are going bump in the night.

    Werewolf attacks have become the stuff of everyday life for much of Wizarding Britain, the Chamber of Secrets is being re-awoken by Slytherin himself, and a certain Dark Lord just doesn't know how to stay dead... Harry Potter, the Head of the Aurors, has his Department fighting back with around the clock patrols and Hit Wizards are busier than ever before, but even with extra security, is Hogwarts safe?

    How long will the tension build? How much can those who saved the world take? How far can the wizarding world be pushed before it reaches its breaking point?


    *Plot Focused
    *OC friendly
    *Tons of characters to interact with
    *Plots taking place inside and outside of Hogwarts, for students and adults

    Game Began July 1, 2009.


    And Harry realized, with a shock so huge it seemed to root him to the spot, that Malfoy was crying - actually crying - tears streaming down his pale face into the grimy basin. Malfoy gasped, and Harry was confused as Malfoy looked down into his own empty hand as if he'd never seen it before then gulped and, with a great shudder, looked up into the cracked mirror and saw Harry staring at him over his shoulder.

    Wished RP is an AU game that diverges from canon midway through Half-Blood Prince and aims to honor canon while allowing players to craft their own end to the story we all spent years following.

    Wished is a thread and scene based, Trio-Era game that begins with the Trio's seventh year. Voldemort is still lurking, if weakened, and a final showdown still threatens - but how we get there, and what happens afterward, will look very different.

    Currently seeking: Ministry Members, Death Eaters & Sympathizers, Younger 'No Name' Hogwarts Students. Males in general and especially Ravenclaw males! Preference will be given to Muggleborn students, because we need to even some things out. Specific characters being looked for are: Neville Longbottom, Viktor Krum, Amycus Carrow, Anthony Goldstein, Fenrir Greyback, Stephen Cornfoot, Kevin Entwhistle, Lee Jordan, and Parvati Patil.

    There are many students being looked for specifically, so please have a look at our Available Characters list and see if there's anyone you would like to consider. We have many name only students, and we do love helping people integrate characters, so if you have a character idea that you want to try out, or a character from a past game that you would like to try again, we have an active cast of both 7th years and 6th years, and they are all looking for their missing classmates. If you'd like to step into some roles that you know will have automatic interaction, you can check out our Requested Storylines as well.

    Premise · F.A.Q. · Rules · Available · Cast · Requested · Apply



    Once you leave home, you can never go back.

    Taken Characters
    Player Directory (Friends Locked)
    Friending Button(Friends Locked)
    Canon Puncturing
    Located in a reality separate from any other reality is a city named Fallenpoint. Nobody knows how old this city is, or exactly how it came to be. It’s not a desolate city by any means. Over 1,000,000 people live in Fallenpoint; the economy is excellent; and the residence are happy for the most part. One day the city, as if having a will of it’s own, begins to pull people in. Sometimes the city may invite a person, but most of the time it simply drags the person from their world into this one.

    When a character arrives, they find themselves in the central square. They find that they’re now carrying a bag of sorts. Inside of this bag is a netbook, the keys to their new home, and a credit card containing the equivalent of $10,000. Pretty soon characters find out that they’ve brought something along with them.

    Their own realities.

    The city of Fallenpoint has also pulled in several realities, and placed them within the pockets of it’s own reality. Characters soon discover that they can go back to their own realities, or to any other reality that is available. Those seeking to go home, however, will discover that their home world has changed dramatically. Certain events may not have happened, events may have been altered, people may be dramatically different, but one thing is for sure:

    Once you leave home, you can never go back.

    Fallen Point is a panfandom game that accepts AUs and Original Characters

    We are now OPEN!

    Reservations and applications are always open.

    Dark City Treno Recruiting











    Welcome to your new home. Set in crime-ridden Dark City Treno, dominated by alcohol, drugs and weapons, this place is constantly immersed in a perpetual state of darkness. Heavy black clouds loom overhead, sometimes bringing rain but never breaking to let in the sun. The city has evolved to match its environment; business is shady, outlooks are bleak, and it is unclear whether there is still light behind the clouds at all. Even the brightest linings offer little hope. In the corner flower shop, full of carnations and spools of cheap ribbon, black market narcotics and hallucinogens change hands. The local pub, complete with Guinness on tap, reserves the back three tables for weapons dealers to do business. Criminals of all types seem drawn to the city, attracted to the dark environment the city offers.

    Despite this, there is a murmur of hope amid the murky despair. A rebellion is forming, individuals determined to fight against the masses and bring good and order back into the city. However, the weather has not broken. With the dreary forecast constantly imposing upon the innocent civilians, the fight is predicted to be endless and futile.

    Will you fight against the overwhelming corruption threatening to take over this already desolate city or join among its ranks?

    A Panfandom Multiverse RPG
    OU/AU/GB of each character
    Het/Yuri/Yaoi Friendly

    Reservations are always open
    Applications are being taken

    a next gen fairy tale experience


    Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away---oh wait, you've heard this one before? That's no surprise. We all grew up with fairy tales. And these stories of dastardly witches and wizards, of beautiful princes and princesses and crafty fairy folk are just that---stories. But what if they're not? What if, in an actual kingdom that was further away than you could ever imagine to get to, there were people living out the tales you heard every night before bed? And what if their mothers and fathers told stories of far off lands much like our own world? They probably wouldn't believe that this place exists, just as we couldn't fathom that there's a world where Cinderella really met her Prince Charming, and true love's kiss could really wake a sleeping beauty from a deathlike sleep.

    But that place does exist. In a world parallel to ours, in a place that no magic but what we cast in our dreams could get us to, the characters of these fairy tales are real; living and breathing but slowly fading away. Yes, that world is waning and all because the one thing that fuels it and keeps its residents alive is in short supply. That one thing is belief. And as our belief in the magical fades away, so will all that is magical.

    But there is hope. There is a family who, through ancient magic, has always been able to travel to and communicate with the other world. No one has ever been able to explain why the two sons of Grimm were connected to the land of fairy tales and enchantment. But it has been this way since before Jacob and Wilhelm began recording the stories of things they knew and heard from far far away. In their descendants, Rolf and Edwin Grimm, who have inherited this magnificent ability, lays the only hope for the people of the fairy tale world.

    Even Further Away is a social, thread based rp game set at a fictional Grimm Academy where the children of popular fairy tale characters have come to live because their world is dying. Descendants of the famous Brothers Grimm have found a way, through limited magic, to bring the next generation [ie Snow White's children etc] to our world in order to save them from theirs. Because the land of fairy tales is so different from our own, a boarding academy has been founded by the brothers so that these children can smoothly transition, and learn about the ways of our world in order to survive in it. The game will center around the students, their lives at the academy, and their interactions with each other all pushed along by some zany subplot.

    Game opens October 21st.

    original table layout/coding by [info]chaperoned via [info]rp_tutorials

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