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Friday, September 18th, 2009

    Time Event

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    The war against Voldemort may be over thanks to the work of Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom, but the death of the Boy Who lived has left the Wizarding World torn between a spirit of celebration and one of mourning. Families have been ripped apart; friends and lovers are missing or dead. And the youngest of those who actually fought in the Final Battle are battered and exhausted and desperately need a chance to rest.
    Hope for the future helps keep spirits up and without the Chosen One, young Neville is shoved into the spotlight as a valiant war hero. But the reconstruction of Wizarding London is underscored with a widespread thirst for revenge and eventually the Ministry's quick and decisive action isn't enough. The most notable and evil of Death Eaters have already been Kissed but what about their families and their children? What about the Dark Creatures that wander the streets? Amidst an increasingly hostile environment, a series of hate crimes force the young and the battle-tired to take action.

    This Harry Potter RPG is completely AU to Deathly Hallows. We've re-envisioned the war and its aftermath and have created a world where the masses are as excited to see Voldemort dead as they are hungry for some kind of vindication. Play picks up one month after the Final Battle, on September 23rd. We are het AND slash friendly and are looking for players who are dedicated, creative, and interested in taking this journey with us.


    You open your eyes to darkness. The air smells stale and confined. Lifting a hand, you feel glass, smooth and curved. Instinctively, your heart beats faster. A tentative push and it rises away from you, swinging to the side. Light filters in through windows above. You blink, your eyes adjusting to the shadowed room as you try to remember what happened.

    A thin layer of dust covers everything. There are no panes of glass in the windows. The virus. You remember now. They told you stasis was a precaution. Only a few weeks. A month, at best. Let them get the virus under control.

    Standing beside your pod, legs shaking from disuse, you feel a sense of apprehension creeping over you. Your heart beats even faster now. A table nearby has a pile of scrolls on it and, with a sense of foreboding, you cross to find the one with your initials on it.

    ~~~ The year is 2100. ~~~

    Waking Pandora is an AU, post-apocalyptic Harry Potter RPG based partially on the History Channel series Life after People. One hundred years after humanity is destroyed by a Muggle-made virus, people - magical and muggle - are waking up in the stasis pods that had been humanity's bid for survival.

    Armed with only a small pack of things, your wits, and limited initial magical ability, you must learn to not only survive but also rebuild the world, brick by brick, and child by child. Anything is possible in Waking Pandora.

    Ask yourself this: Do you want to be a vital part of an RPG that is more than just commonplace and routine? Where the world you build is literally the new world of humanity and players can participate as much as they want? Then Waking Pandora is the place for you.

    Wake up to a world where Hope and the future is what you make of it. Waking Pandora

    Most Wanted: Dean Thomas, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Katie Bell, Lavender Brown, Lee Jordan, Rabastan Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Oliver Wood and more.
    Premise | Application | Open Characters | FAQ | Rules
    It's 1999 and Wizarding Britain is a very different place. Voldemort controls a puppet Ministry and is seeking to expand his grasp into Europe and, eventually, the world. But he is not unopposed. There are many resistance groups working to keep him from accomplishing his goal and, among these, there is one that stands out from the crowd: The Order of the Phoenix.

    Secreting Muggleborns out of the country to keep them from enduring the horrors of Ministry-run "work camps", the Order is fighting a losing battle. Their last hope lies with a carefully guarded secret: The identity and location of The Prophesied One.

    Sic Infit explores the possibilities of what could have happened had James and Lily Potter stuck with Sirius as their Secret Keeper. What could have happened if Harry had never become The Boy Who Lived? What if Lord Voldemort had actually won?

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