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Wednesday, September 16th, 2009

    Time Event
    Treno RPG











    Welcome to your new home. Set in crime-ridden Dark City Treno, dominated by alcohol, drugs and weapons, this place is constantly immersed in a perpetual state of darkness. Clouds loom overhead, occasionally it rains, hardly ever do the citizens see light. Same goes with the nature of the business which goes on behind doors. What may seem like a friendly floral shop masks a drug ring, and what you may think is just a quaint pub you're walking into could be the locale meeting spot for weapons dealers. Thugs, thieves, drug lords, and criminals of the underworld tend to be attracted to the dark environment the city offers. Along with despair there is hope. A few individuals fight against the masses, trying to bring good and order back into the city. Though with the dreary forecast constantly imposing on the innocent civilians, the fight is predicted to be endless and futile.

    Will you fight against the overwhelming corruption threatening to take over this already desolate city or join among its ranks?

    Game is now OPEN
    Multi-fandom || AU or CANON

    Welcome to Eureka Springs, a Dark Panfandom RPG
    Haunted Hotels
    Organized Crime
    Just another day in Eureka Springs

    Eureka Springs is a panfandom game of mystery, mayhem and the supernatural that takes place in modern day Eureka Springs, Arkansas. We are currently casting mature players from almost all fandoms who want to explore a bit of a darker panfandom world.

    Most Wanted - Batman, Buffy/Angel, X-Files, Supernatural: Sam Winchester, Southern Vampire/True Blood, Women of the Otherworld, Jericho

    eurekaspringsrp | eureka_springs | eurekaooc

    Application | Rules | Wanted/Holds | Locations | Premise | Cast

    the game - cast holds resources
    for applying - premise rules characters application
    for members - contact list friend-all
    communities - in character out of character applications

    The war against Voldemort may be over thanks to the work of Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom, but the death of the Boy Who lived has left the Wizarding World torn between a spirit of celebration and one of mourning. Families have been ripped apart; friends and lovers are missing or dead. And the youngest of those who actually fought in the Final Battle are battered and exhausted and desperately need a chance to rest.
    Hope for the future helps keep spirits up and without the Chosen One, young Neville is shoved into the spotlight as a valiant war hero. But the reconstruction of Wizarding London is underscored with a widespread thirst for revenge and eventually the Ministry's quick and decisive action isn't enough. The most notable and evil of Death Eaters have already been Kissed but what about their families and their children? What about the Dark Creatures that wander the streets? Amidst an increasingly hostile environment, a series of hate crimes force the young and the battle-tired to take action.

    This Harry Potter RPG is completely AU to Deathly Hallows. We've re-envisioned the war and its aftermath and have created a world where the masses are as excited to see Voldemort dead as they are hungry for some kind of vindication. Play picks up one month after the Final Battle, on September 23rd. We are het AND slash friendly and are looking for players who are dedicated, creative, and interested in taking this journey with us.


    The Kingdom of Frell is at peace.

    Though the so-called Golden Age of King Char and Queen Ella is long over- so long ago now that few are still alive who can remember it- life continues on much as it ever did. Merchants travel the lands far and wide, finding new and exotic goods to bring back to Greenville, the town just outside the royal palace. Greenville's markets are thriving, and most of the town's inhabitants pay little mind to the castle looming in the distance.

    That is, of course, until The Gray Death appears. There is no known cure. Sufferers initially feel very weak, and are soon not even able to get out of bed. Overcome by fever, their complexions turn gray and they die. Still, Greenville believes it is safe- there are just rumors of the illness, and being so close to the castle, they're safe, right?


    The illness knows no boundaries, a fact that is brought starkly to light when the King of Frell contracts the disease and dies a short time later. The King leaves behind a land in limbo- his wife, the Queen, is trying her level best to keep power from the hands of their immature son. Heroes search for a cure, trying to avenge their fallen King. Life in Greenville continues on, if a bit more cautiously. Life in the court, however, is marked by ambition and intrigue. Courtiers' motives are far from pure, and ambitions are on the rise. No one is sure who will emerge victorious.

    Happily ever after was never a guarantee.

    Fair is an original character role playing game inspired by Ella Enchanted, Fairest, and The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine. The game takes place in the world created by those books.

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