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Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

    Time Event
    Axis City - A Super Hero Slash RPG
    Ever wished you were a superhero?
    Axis City is an Original Superhero slash RPG where you choose who you are – superhero, villain or leading lady. Through scientific error superheroes, and their villainous counterparts, have been let loose on an unsuspecting city and tensions run high. Debate rages as to whether Supers should be registered, or allowed to keep their secret identities. Mass media and the politicians are quick to take sides, whipping the public up into a frenzy. And the Lex Luthor of Axis City – Alexander Moretti – plots to make sure this debate ends the way he chooses.

  • kick-ass effeminate cross-dressing super villain secretary/PA for [info]mediamogal
  • ex-husband for [info]paraphrase
  • The Mayor- currently involved with [info]lost_direction
  • Male or female Chief of Police
  • Deputy mayor - a super villain planning to take over Axis City
  • older brother for [info]homo_validus
  • female characters in general
  • 11:34a
    Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter game on Inksome

    Harry Potter with an American twist.

    Over 1,000 years ago, schools for witches and wizards were founded in European countries to instruct students in magic. Hundreds of years later, late to the party as usual, American witches and wizards started their own school, after the disaster that was the Salem Witch Trials. Since then, Salem Academy has flourished as well as its European cousin schools.

    As times grew modern, American witches and wizards became immersed in Muggle culture. Now in the 21st century, Salem Academy seems like any other high school. There's just one difference.

    These kids know magic.
    Don’t go to sleep. Don’t close your eyes. Keep them open. Open them as wide as you possibly can. Look around you. Take in your surroundings. What is this place?

    You may ask: Where have the trains and the skyscrapers gone?

    Or you may ask: Where is Cair Paravel? Where are the Lone Islands?

    What you will soon come to learn is that you have entered into Aslan’s Land. This is not Narnia at all, but a place resembling Narnia in every aspect. Every tiny detail, right down to the last grain of sand. But how can it not be Narnia? You see, whatever place you may have dreamed of is here. The land, the cities, the towns, the people. They are all Narnian, even if this place is not Narnia itself. In such a place, even skyscrapers may be brought back. You simply have to know where to look.

    But even in such a beautiful and peaceful place dangers and evils await. This land, Aslan’s Land, was meant for the good. It was meant for the peaceable. It was not meant for the evil or dangerous. It was not meant for those who seek corruption and vanity. But they still found their ways here. To remove them, to make them leave would be a difficult task. For even the most evil of persons may very well have been the person closest to you. Would you allow them to stay? Or would you help to rid the land of them? To return them to the place they truly belonged. Each is given his or her own choice. Choose it well. For that decision may very well decide your destiny. That decision may mean leaving this land.

    What happens to one after entering Aslan’s Land? How far must they go before finding their destiny? Or does destiny even exist in such a place? Do all who come there truly belong? Or have some found the backdoor into this wondrous land? What wonders, adventures, spectacles could possibly be waiting beyond that shore? Only those who have found their way truly know. These are the stories of such creatures. Of a place called Aslan’s Land.

    Game date set for early to mid July

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