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Friday, June 12th, 2009

    Time Event
    Sic Infit - Harry Potter AU RPG
    It's 1999 and Wizarding Britain is a very different place. Voldemort controls a puppet Ministry and is seeking to expand his grasp into Europe and, eventually, the world. But he is not unopposed. There are many resistance groups working to keep him from accomplishing his goal and, among these, there is one that stands out from the crowd: The Order of the Phoenix.

    Secreting Muggleborns out of the country to keep them from enduring the horrors of Ministry-run "work camps", the Order is fighting a losing battle. Their last hope lies with a carefully guarded secret: The identity and location of The Prophesied One.

    Sic Infit explores the possibilities of what could have happened had James and Lily Potter stuck with Sirius as their Secret Keeper. What could have happened if Harry had never become The Boy Who Lived? What if Lord Voldemort had actually won?

    I wonder to myself
    could life ever be sane again?

    mwpp since 2005

    The king is dead! Long live the--

    --Wait, who is in charge here again?

    The much beloved King of Frell has just died, one of many to succumb to the plague of the Gray Death that has been sweeping the land. Survived by his wife, the Queen, as well as the Crown Prince-- considered by many to be the biggest brat in all of Frell-- the King leaves behind a land in turmoil. The Queen, not wanting to give up what power she has left, has decreed that her son may only assume the throne if he finds himself a bride. An impossible task, surely!

    But that's not all...

    There's more to Frell than just castle intrigues. The castle is bordered by Greenville, a bustling market town filled with its own stories just waiting to be told!

    Happily ever after was never a guarantee.

    Fair is an original character fairy tale game based on the world created by Gail Carson Levine's books Ella Enchanted, Fairest, and The Two Princesses of Bamarre. If you've never read those books, don't worry! You can just look at the game like any other fairy tale game.

    PremiseCharacter ListRulesApplication

    Wanted Characters

    The Queen and the Prince!

    Bess Guidon, the town's apprentice healer, is missing her husband, Tristan. Tristan is a knight, and he loves his wife more than anything, but something deep down tells him that she doesn't feel the same. He gives her everything he can in the hope that she'll stay with him, but somehow it's not enough for Bess.

    Abigail Hall is missing her sister, Eleanor. The two were separated as children, and Abby misses her dearly.

    Serenity Somerset ran away from her privileged life ten years ago, leaving behind her sisters Hope, Faith, Blythe, and Verity. Three of these sisters are married, and one is playing host to elder unwed sister Grace, as well. Serenity works as a barmaid, but it can't be long before her past catches up with her.

    Gabrielle Forrester is missing her brother, Domenic. Domenic is a knight of the realm, a strong and proud figure. Plus, with Gabrielle falling in love- and with a sorcerer, no less- someone has to watch out for her!

    Marta Damaran works in the palace as a servant, and she is missing her brothers, Markhas, Damin, and Richard Damaran. Richard also works in the palace, but Markhas and Damin have not seen him or Marta since she they ran away as children.

    Matthias Eklund works at the Magic Shop, but he's missing his boss, the Magic Shop's owner. Frell has a thriving black market for magical supplies (shh, don't tell!), and someone needs to run it.

    Original characters are welcome and encouraged! ♥

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