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Thursday, April 30th, 2009

    Time Event
    Local reporter for The Night Island here, Daniel Molloy. I'm looking to find out the story for each of you but in order to do so I'm going to need you to come to me on the island. You're all access pass can be found by applying at [info]angelicfiend. See you all soon.

    The Devil's Minion,

    Daniel Molloy.

    Alessa Solan, here.

    I've currently taken up residence over on the Night Island (a supernatural role playing game located on insanejournal) and am looking for some new guys to fill my little brain with. Any takers?

    Community information can be found here.

    If you're not sure what to expect but are thinking of coming in you should check out my journal here to find some of the writing samples I liked best.

    We're highly active and very welcoming, so come on, take a chance.

    Come play with me, I promise it'll be fun..
    Marriage Games:
    "All I can really say about marriage games is that I was never interested in them because they just seem like instant shipping games. Don't want to work at a relationship? Here! Have a marriage game!"

    -- Shell

    "An excuse to ship characters in unusual/nonsensical pairs whilst proving little other plot to help move the game along."

    -- Bee

    Marriage Games... We all know them and love to hate them. Really, do they serve a purpose? The only plot is putting two, usually ill matched, characters together. As for game wide plot? Pffffttt... Basically nonexistent. Though I have to say, there are moderators out there who try, though usually they fail. It is just so hard to keep those rabid shippers in line.

    That is until now.

    Welcome to Death Eater Reform Project! Join us as we merge this ill thought of genre with real, so solid you can almost feel it, plot. Want drama? We got it in truck loads. Want angst? If dear Harry's self loathing is not enough for you than come on, there is plenty to go around. You into those darker aspects of the human psyche? Oh yeah, we welcome those with open arms. You want to go around causing havoc? Well, we got an Underground Movement for you!

    "OMG, why can't we all just get along and learn to love each other?!" HA! Yeah right. We're lucky if they don't kill each other.

    MODS | RPG | OOC


    Anime PB Game: Original Characters Only
    An Original Persona RPG
    First victim found May 15th.

    Some say if you turn a door handle the wrong way on the hour on a sunny day it will lead to Paradise.

    After witnessing a death at their school where a missing pupil was found at his desk, characters begin investigating these rumours. They later realize that they can walk through doorways as a gateway to enter a seemingly utopian world infested with Shadows. Thus begins a mission to discover the links between the vanishings and deaths around town.

    Mods | RPG | OOC
    Premise | Setting | Rules | PBs | Apply

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