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Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

    Time Event

    Sometimes when I'm alone, I hear the Piper calling...

    Deep in the woods where no one goes there is a village like none other; it is a place where the houses are made of gingerbread and the trees are full of birds singing to the dawn of each day. And just beyond the giggling stream, there rests a dark castle. This is a world full of witches and their craft…where fairy tales come to life, and where those who enter never return home.

    It is here the Pied Piper waits, king and jack of all trades. His hall is filled with the laughter of stolen children; fairy tales run rampant and free. Brings a whole new meaning to happily ever after...

    ...Now from whence I came there is no return
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    You wake up one morning with a headache, you wonder if you're hung-over but you didn't drink anything last night so that can't be it and after taking a painkiller and heading to work you forget all about it. A few days later you think you back to your childhood and there's a memory that doesn't fit, it doesn't make sense and you try not to think about it because it sets you and edge and makes you feel uncomfortable.

    It doesn't stop.

    Maybe weeks go by, or maybe it's months, and someone turns up on your doorstep. Maybe they look official, or they're wearing jeans and a T-Shirt, but they introduce themselves and tell you that they're from something called 'The Agency', they sit you down and if you're lucky they'll make you a cup of tea or pour you a drink before explaining it all to you.

    The memories are real, but they're someone else's, someone you always thought of as fictional. You're what they call a reincarnate, someone who's been reincarnated from this fictional person, brought into this world with magic that no one yet understands.

    They talk about a war that's being fought between two sides of reincarnates, the good and the bad. You're not told what side to pick or that you need to, but you know that a day will come when you and the person you were and are possibly becoming will need to choose.

    Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide
    In the backdrop of an immediately post-war setting, there are young witches and wizards separated from each other via connections and acquaintances who must brave the new era of Life After the Second War.

    Who prospers, who fails, who branches out and who stays locked up in the confines of their old traditions? And how much do their lives affect each other?

    It's a small world, and no man is an island.

    [info]sixdegreesrpg is a small game with limited casting looking for active players who enjoy interactive storylines in a social game.
    MOST WANTED CHARACTERS: PARVATI PATIL, Anthony Goldstein, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Ernie Macmillan, ELLIOT CHAMBERS, DAPHNE GREENGRASS, Tracey Davis, Vicky Frobisher, Theodore Nott, DEAN THOMAS.
    Pentamerone - a fairy tale and folklore game on Inksome!
    What happens after Happily Ever After?

    Heroes and villains alike seek someplace to exist before they fade from existence. Others search for a way home, not sure if there's a home left to go to. Pentamerone is the last stronghold of human imagination. The hundreds of magical lands and worlds that used to exist in the minds of children are now in a state of decay. Pentamerone is a world of mystery, of new places to be explored, and full of new people to meet. It looks idyllic, peaceful, welcoming. But only one thing's certain:

    Once you cross its borders,
    you can never return home again.
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