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Sunday, March 8th, 2009

    Time Event

    One of the smallest of the island regions, Shiko offers a breathtaking diversity of scenery. North of the island is an inland sea with tiny islands, rich fisheries, and a coastline of citrus orchards. To the south lies the mighty ocean. Shiko's terrain includes high mountains, crystal clear rivers, windswept capes and ocean whirlpools. Mt. Ossia, located in northwestern Shiko, is the island's tallest peak at 1,982 m (6,499 ft).


    The year is moving forward. The new trainers are receiving their licenses from Gyms and schools around the country. If the Leaders thought the Shiko Tournament was splendid last year, they haven't seen nothing yet. Even while things stir up on the mountainside, most of the trainer population of Shiko is concerned with much more trifling matters, like what Gym to challenge, which Pokemon will be captured next, and when the next festival is. Come for the Mudkips, stay for the Bidoofs. Just so you know? Our mountain doesn't have a tunnel.

    We Offer

    This is an OC-only Pokemon RPG. There's no fighting over canon characters, and no conflicts with their characterization. We have a long-term plot and are always open to suggestions and discussion from members. We permit smaller plots, be they personal or game-wide. This game is literate and active. We are femme and slash friendly, though some characters may not be. If you have any questions please feel free to ask: the mods are active and friendly.




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    There's an elite boarding school an hour away from San Francisco that's dedicated to the education of children with superpowers: Veritas Academy. Veritas takes these children in and helps them control their gifts - trying to turn them into productive members of society. The lucky few become heroes and villains that are respected and feared the world over, but the rest also have real stories to tell. They are known as businesspeople, lawyers, doctors, academics, nurses, and teachers. They are the people you know, but never stop to truly wonder about.

    There are success stories and failures that are known everywhere, but not everyone can be Superman. The majority of the students remain virtually unknown to the majority of the public as they go about their everyday jobs and lead their everyday lives.

    The Veritas Alumni Association decided to follow the trend that had been set by Livejournal, Facebook and MySpace, and set up their own social networking site. It became known as something that old students use to keep in touch with friends, watch their enemies and complain about their everyday lives. Yet in between the complaints, arguments and laughs that the students are having, something is beginning to interrupt their lives:

    Someone is killing alumni, and no one knows who's going to be next.

    Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide
    Archon's Rest

    Current CharactersApplicationWanted Characters

    ar·chon [ahr-kon] --noun 1. a high magistrate in ancient Athens. 2. any ruler. 3. in Gnosticism, servants of the Demiurge, the creator god, that serve as the gateway between humanity and a transcendent god.

    [info]archon_rpg is an original mystery / horror rpg with sci-fi elements set in the present day and time open to all original characters. Characters are invited, via a method dependent on their social class, to stay at Archon's Rest, a luxury resort and spa. Upon arrival, they find it to be everything that they could ever want, but is it really the paradise it claims to be? Where has the front door gone, and why can't anyone find a way out to explore the grounds? What's with the sudden spike in residents' nightmares? Did this scar exist yesterday? Why is the staff so eager to please, and when, exactly, do they expect you to check out? Will you have a restful vacation or the adventure of your life?

    This is a brand new game set to open Friday, March 13. All original characters are welcome. If you are searching for an active, engaging game with major character development possibilities run by RP veterans, this is the game for you. Be there for the beginning.

    Grand Opening Incentive: Apply before Monday, March 15, and you will not have to wait the required two weeks before applying for a second character! This is a limited time offer in celebration of [info]archon_rpg opening its doors. Hurry, this offer expires at 12:00 Monday morning.


    [info]an_ill_wind via [info]illwindmod

    FAQ | Rules | Characters | Application


    It's 1980 and the first war is escalating. Voldemort is slowly taking over all aspects of magical life; he is systematically knocking out important ministry figures in his quest to deter Millicent Bagnold's campaign for Minister of Magic, and plotting the demise of key radicals in the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore's agitating, underground society. But something is changing. A new prophecy is being crafted by someone who has seen how Voldemort's campaign will tear the world apart and destroy the lives of those fighting against him. Will they re-shape the war to a better end, or simply delay what they are trying to prevent? Maybe an ill wind is blowing nobody any good.

    We are looking for experienced players with a thorough understanding of grammar and structure as well as an excellent writing style. Please edit your applications before submitting them.

    WANTED CHARACTERS: Marlene McKinnon, FRANK LONGBOTTOM, Emmeline Vance, Peter Pettigrew, Gideon & Fabian Prewett, AMELIA BONES, Bellatrix Lestrange, AMYCUS CARROW, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, SEVERUS SNAPE, and many more available for application!

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