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X-Project - An X-Men Movieverse/Marvel RPG - Open for Applications [28 Apr 2015|08:47pm]


Don’t you wonder who would win in a battle of the movieverse Avengers against the movieverse X-Men? Do you wonder what role Agents of SHIELD would have in a world where mutants exist? Do you wish you could have two Spider-Men swinging across New York City instead of only Peter Parker?

With X-PROJECT, now you can! Before Marvel’s own reality-smooshing event of the Secret Wars, X-Project underwent a relaunch, which expanded the pool of usable concepts to all of the Marvel properties, regardless of who holds the licence. Using the X-Men franchise as a base, we are now pulling in elements from the MCU, Spider-Verse and other properties.

Established in May 2003, X-Project is a journal-based RPG on Livejournal. We use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and the slate has been wiped clean on all of our available and retired characters.

Check out the Wiki and the unplayed characters page to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men-based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter! | YouTube Channel | Tumblr | XP 101 | Application Checklist
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[28 Apr 2015|09:51pm]

marvel fandom roleplay community
Based in both the MCU and Comic canons, as appropriate, One More Disaster is a roleplay community focused primarily on first-person interaction between characters and quick, short scenes that enable a high level of activity within the community. Without much in the way of an over-arching plot, the purpose of this community is to give players a wide array of character development opportunities and slice-of-life vignettes.

opens after may 3rd with 10 characters
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[28 Apr 2015|11:11pm]


This is the life you know very well.

You live it every day. It's difficult, it's riddled with uncertainty, and it is filled with joy, love, disappointment and pain. But sometimes you have a feeling that this is not your life. It's a feeling that can't be explained, but you spend your life trying to explain it, trying to make sense of it. Valar explores a duality embodied within each character.

One version of the self exists in Orange County, living a life that seems ordinary, sounds ordinary, feels ordinary. The real self, whatever that might mean, exists only in a time and place which you are just starting to remember. As characters grow and live and interact with each other, they embark on a journey to piece together fragments of their half-forgotten dreams. They have to come to terms with who they really are, and what this life means to them.

So who are you, really, and what does this life mean to you?

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