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Sunday, April 2nd, 2017

    Time Event
    Opening Soon!

    The wild west, mutant style.

    Marvel Wild West is a Marvel Universe (mostly X-Men and related canons) AU set in the 1870s in a remote town in frontier Montana Country. Canons from any Marvel canon who are mutants (or related canon humans) or can be modified into mutants are welcome.

    Marvel Wild West is the story of the Gifted in the beginning of the industrial era. Some of them don't want to hide, others remain isolated because they fear humanity's reaction to their kind. While these two groups aren't completely opposed, they definitely don't see eye to eye on a lot of things, including the expansion of the town. They are also not the only people encountered in Haven, from miners seeking riches, outlaw gangs, bands of Indians refusing to be confined to reservations, and settlers on their way West to fulfill their dreams, this is as much their stories as the Gifted of the town. For those who choose to stay or visit often can expect to encounter a lot of strangeness.

    Marvel Wild West is a mature game, you must be at least 18 years old to register and apply for a character. The frontier is a rough and violent place, life is harder and there are always those willing to commit atrocities to achieve their goals. Telling these stories doesn't fit neatly into a PG-13 rating. Hence the mature setting and age requirement.

    Join us in telling the stories of your favorite mutants characters in a wild, Old West setting!
    Setting // Rules //Application //
    Most Wanted // Taken Canons


    Fall Down the...

    A game set in the wonderful whimsy world of Wonderland. Except that its not the Wonderland we all remember from our youth. The Red Queen broke open the rabbit hole expelling Alice from Wonderland and ever since, creatures from other worlds have been falling into Wonderland. Cracks have formed. Decay is seeping in. Wonderland is starting to fall apart and darkness is spreading with each otherworlder that falls in.

    Fall Down the... is an original character game inspired by a darker version of Alice in Wonderland. We accept characters from any kind of world or background they just must be original characters. It's a great place to toss those homeless muses, no tweaking really required. Take a look at all our wanted characters and inspirations!

    Would you believe that all the gods that people have ever imagined are still with us today?

    Across America, just beneath the world we see, exists another world. One full of gods and monsters, of immortals and saints and demons. They walk among us every day and although we don't know it, our every thought fuels their lives.

    Nevermore is a well-established, long-running game set in the world of American Gods. This particular game has been kicking around IJ in one form or another for years - at the moment our player base is quite small and so we're looking for fresh blood to come join us.

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