Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies.

nineteen_stars posting in Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies.
User: [info]nineteen_stars
Date: 2010-08-08 13:54
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

The routine of the hospital was starting to become the norm as the days passed. There were checks on her temperature and blood pressure in the morning, a quick conversation with the nurse on how she felt, and then they'd weigh her to make sure she was starting to put some of the weight back on that she had lost. After that, she'd rest for the rest of the morning until the afternoon came around as the counselor she had been speaking to dropped by for their afternoon session. Isobel probably looked forward to those the most, a chance to say what was on her mind and to have someone help her make sense of things. Thanks to her, she was starting to feel better, and the events surrounding Trenton's death didn't seem so harrowing.

But she had come and gone already and she was left to her own devices that afternoon. Curled up on her side, she flipped through the channels of daytime television, trying to find something interesting that she could watch for a while.

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my journal
August 2010