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rollin on a custom [01 May 2017|02:16pm]
What up Seaside? Ty here, but call me Duke. Just please don't call me dookie. Not one to sit around all day looking at a screen when there are waves to be caught. Gonna make this quick, if you were given a million dollars and had to spend it on something completely ridiculous, what would it be?

For me, I'd build the world's longest surfboard, like a mile long or something. Wonder if it would even float then. Fun to think of anyway.
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[01 May 2017|09:40pm]
Nothing like a cross country flight, unpacking, and spotty wifi to make the old BP shoot up. Sorry, mini rant over. I'm Thomas Clark, former merc security consultant, SIS agent, and many many moons ago, a former Royal Marine Commando. I have two questions for the residents of this lovely town. If one wanted to watch a Manchester United match. Would those be on tape delay, or would I have to wake up at some ungodly hour to see my lads play? And secondly, where would I go to get my hit of chai tea?
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