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Rockbell Hospital & Automail

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Wherein people find much food and merriment! Possibly drama too. [Feb. 28th, 2012|05:11 pm]

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Ichirin spent most of her time running around, tending to the food, while Kogasa and Kyouko assisted her. All around the tables were a massive array of food, all kinds of meat, from different types of cooked deer, including Murasa's favorite, deer jerky, to roast lion, and rotisserie style boar and chicken. Of course, that was just the main dishes. Vegetable soup, and many different types of bread and other vegetarian dishes are there. Side dishes, vegetables of all kinds, some known like corn and potatoes, and some specific to that world. Further down the tables are spiced apples, cherry cobbler, different varieties of pies, and all sorts of odd dishes from around the world.

Hope everyone's hungry!
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[Oct. 12th, 2011|05:25 pm]

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Sarah had waited a few days to go see if she could visit the rescued Edward at the clinic. She knew he was probably not in the best shape at the moment, and would need a while before he was up for interaction. Now she's heading up to Winry's office, to see if she would be allowed to go say hi to him. She knocks on the door, then waits to be called in.
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Getting A Stubborn Elric Looked At. [Sep. 7th, 2011|06:49 pm]

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[Current Mood |determined]

True to his word, Alfons dragged Ed out of the apartment to the hospital the morning after he found out what Ed had been doing to himself. He did give him time to eat first, but it wasn't long until they were in the building.

Alfons kept a firm grip on Ed's arm while inside. "Hallo?" he called out.

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