The Roaring 20s OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Roaring 20s OOC

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[21 Mar 2013|10:33am]
Hey, Z here. I'm bringing Hades to the game, better known in Chicago as Dr. Robert Schwarz. Surgeon, Great War volunteer, professor, businessman, and investor at some point in his life - he owns a number of hospitals, as well as some property. He's based out of the north side and has a lot of clout there, but also has a citywide monopoly of supplying hospital grade narcotics - morphine, heroin, and cocaine mostly. When prohibition began, he left booze to his brothers. Robert is currently the elected Cook County Coroner and has control over many of the semi-permanent juries (common at the time) and the judges. Occasionally he'll manipulate findings or the courts if there's something in it for him.

Since he doesn't have the Underworld and Tartarus to worry about 24/7 and his better half ([info]allthingsbright) is around all year, he does tend to venture outside more. Don't think he's softened up, though. Robert still hasn't forgotten centuries-old grudges that might exist. I'd love plot with anyone and everyone at some point if possible, but if you want to work out a specific angle why your character might know him or have had dealings in the past, let me know.

Look forward to playing here!
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