The Roaring 20s OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Roaring 20s OOC

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intro [20 Mar 2013|10:08am]
Hello lovely people! I'm Kathryn bringing in Persephone's alter ego Amelia "Lia" Schwarz and hopefully Odysseus soon.

Growing up, Lia considered herself a model for the New Woman and eventually took the unusual step of embarking on medical school. Her education was derailed by a scandalous affair with her now-husband, Robert Schwarz, a doctor at the school who ultimately revealed himself to be Hades. She still has a hand in social reform/progressive issues, but is very much enjoying a more decadent lifestyle now in her third year of marriage and angling to ensure her husband maintains his power. If not so concerned with her husband's public image and their status, she'd probably be a hedonistic flapper type.

There's more info on her here. I'd love to discus plot or in-game connections with you all! There are so many intriguing characters are already in the mix!
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