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The Roaring 20s OOC

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[18 Mar 2013|01:43pm]
Hello there! I'm Jess, and I write the lovely Adra Harper, a.k.a. Nemesis (a.k.a. Fate).

Adra is one of the old gods and as such has no family ties to any of the gangs, though she is affiliated quite closely with the Olympians, for whom she tracks down anyone in need of a good attitude adjustment.

Adra lives in luxury and being in the employ of the Olympians helps her keep up her preferred lifestyle. Despite that, she maintains an even keel in all (other) aspects of life. She is confident, intelligent, and fearless, and makes an excellent friend and even better foe. She is always just, though, and would like you to know that those who say otherwise were likely on the wrong side of the scale. (She wants me to tell you she also likes rewarding good deeds.)

Her sister ([info]eristic) is played by Ash and they are not as different as Adra would like you to believe.

She's always up for a hunt, divine retribution, or other thoroughly unladylike activities.
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