The Roaring 20s OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
The Roaring 20s OOC

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Intro, the return [17 Mar 2013|09:33am]
I should have waited before doing my intro, as I just got this guy ok'd. This is Butch Corcoran, aka Heracles, on the run from a seriously bad mistake and at odds with Mrs. Wolfe. He's left the Olympians to work for Poseidon. I hope for some drama!
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γειά σου! [17 Mar 2013|11:38am]
I am Alzbeta, and I write your not so friendly neighborhood Ares. Sam Wolfe is a proud, borderline narcissist who enjoys sex and fighting, not necessarily in that order. He's a retired Marine, WWI veteran, and current dirty cop. He's on the outs with Aprodite ([info]kytherea) at the moment, but their son Phobos ([info]inclinedfear) is working hard to fix that. I need a scene with his dear boy Deimos ([info]dreadsuccession) sooner rather than later! ♥

I'm very open to friends, enemies, people he can pay off to do his more menial dirty work, and so on and so forth. I can't access IJ from work, so email is best if you plan to get in touch!

(Also Ares says fuck you, Frankie.)
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[17 Mar 2013|12:48pm]
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Awhile ago, when I had been working out the details of Phillip and trying to learn what I could about the 1920's, I decided to feed my obsession with 8tracks and collect some music that was top favorites during the 1920's. So, with that, I present you with this mix. It's a short one but all the songs (from what I could find) were favorites of people during that time period. I feel like I can visualize the time period better knowing what the music was for those years! So if you're interested, have a listen. :)

Ain't that the Bee's Knees )
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[17 Mar 2013|04:05pm]
Hola, I'm Cee, and this is Esther Heatherton, a.k.a. Hestia.

Esther is a neat freak, and she has a touch of OCD. She likes things to be in pairs, has an extreme aversion to germs, and does not like to be touched as a result. Sick people kind of freak her out, too.

Despite all of that, Esther has an open door policy. If you knock on her door, you are granted entrance, no questions asked. She will feed you, hide you, give you a place to stay out of the rain, anything. Once you are inside of her home, whatever you do beyond its walls does not matter. She's only concerned with making sure you are safe, and well taken care of.

So that's Hestia in a nutshell! Looking forward to playing with everybody!
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