July 2012



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Aug. 18th, 2011


Who: Emma and Rylee
What: An apology and more?
Where: Gay bar in Boston, MA
When: Thurs, Aug 18th 11pm
Rating: R (language, subject to change)
Status: It has begun

Her small voice so full of honesty )

Aug. 13th, 2011


Who: Rylee and Zack
What: the artsy pottery kindle barn
Where: Rylee's apartment to start
When: Saturday 3pm
Rating: PG (Language at least)
Status: Incomplete

Zack had begun to wonder if the feeling that this, reality as it would seem, was really the fake and maybe this was where you went when you died. )

Aug. 10th, 2011


Who: Brian and Rylee
When: Tuesday night
Where: Boston
Rating/Status: PG-13?/Incomplete.

Rematches are best served cold? Naaaah. )

Aug. 2nd, 2011


Who: Ty & Rylee
What: Out
Where: Night Guard Training Facilities, Philadelphia to Boston!
When: Mid-day
Rating: G (?)
Status: Complete

Due to an inability to stop or avoid an energy blast aimed at your head, you die on the battle field. Your enemy wins. )

Jul. 29th, 2011


Who: Dust and Rylee
Where: random gay bar in NYC
What: Rylee and Dust are ogling
When: Friday evening
Rating: Probably PG-13?


Who: Imogen and Rylee
What: Another student needs to learn how to hit things
Where: Byrne gym
When: Friday afternoon
Rating: PG/PG-13 (language)

Jul. 25th, 2011


Who: Cyril and Rylee
What: welcome to the madhouse dinner
When: Monday evening
Where: Junoon Restaurant, NYC
Rating: PG?
Status: Incomplete

Jul. 23rd, 2011


Who: Rylee and Matt
What: Nox sibling time
Where: Matt's apartment
When: Right about now
Rating: PG/PG-13

Jul. 22nd, 2011


Who: Rylee and David
What: Someone else wants to kill Rylee (she needs to stop mouthing off or something)
Where: New Orleans, and then David's apartment
When: Tonight
Rating: PG-13

There was a gun. Why was there always a gun? Why did there always have to be a gun? )


who: Jake and rylee
What: sparring!
Where: Rylee's apartment in Boston and then... Someone else. Lol. Presuming byrne's gym?
When: six am!
Warnings: pg-13 for violence and Rylee's potty mouth and loving insults.
Status: in progress

one is best punished for one's virtues )

Jul. 21st, 2011


Who: Rylee and Zack
Where: Finnegan's, a bar in Boston
What: Drinks
When: 7pm tonight
Rating: PG most likely

Jul. 19th, 2011


Who: Leonard Shelton and Rylee Nox
What: A man's gotta stay fit
Where: Byrne Academy. One of the domes.
When: Tuesday morning.
Rating: PG for now
Status: Complete!

The heat could be oppressive at this time of day. Luckily, it wasn't thanks to some interesting climate-control technology that Leo had noted. )

Jul. 18th, 2011


Who: Rylee and future!Miles (he's a very bad  man)
What: Someone made a promise about saving starfish and must be stopped
Where: In Boston, near Matt's (Rylee's bro) apartment
When: Now
Rating: PG-13

Jul. 12th, 2011


Who: Zack and Rylee
Where: Kingate Labs, NYC
What: someone needs some saving, and someone else does some dying...
When: this evening sometime
Rating: R (violence, language, PC death)

Zack's life really was just one big sick and twisted joke for some greater cosmic beings personal pleasure, wasn't it? )

Jul. 11th, 2011


Who: Rylee and Jones
Where: Rylee's apartment
When: Backdated - July 6, 2011
What: Rylee is FREAKED out!
Rating: PG/PG-13


Who: Rylee and Cyril
Where: Boston to Kingate Labs, NYC
When: Late night
What: It's a f*cking plague - what else would scientists be doing?
Rating: At least PG-13

Jul. 7th, 2011


Who: Ethan and Rylee
What: A job offer accepted
Where: Kingate Trust, Chicago
When: Before this
Rating: PG at most (probably G)

Jul. 6th, 2011


Who: Miles and Rylee
What: Two supposed strangers meet after class.
When: 1:34 p.m.
Where: Byrne Academy
Rating: TBD
Status: In Progress
He was sitting on his own, peeling an orange. )


Who: Ava and Rylee
What: discussing rylee teaching Jake how to fight
When: evening
Where: boxing gym in Boston
status/rating: in progress. Probably no higher than pg-13 for language

To live in the world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books )

Jul. 5th, 2011


Who: Emma and Rylee
Where: Outside a bar in Boston, MA (vague enough? xP)
When: 11:30pm
What: A chance meeting of "good" and "evil"
Rating: R-ish (language, possibly extreme violence and mental torture)
Status: Complete.

And every choice you make will affect you. Suit your own self. )

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