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October 3rd, 2011

[info]doctor_insecure in [info]rites_ooc

Entertaining? Possibly?

So I was thinking this could be fun/entertaining to see how players/characters handle it.

Last night I wanted to write an open post for Kel and couldn't think of anything so Jan and I started joking about getting characters into situations or around things they may not normally be around. As a joke I told Jan to give me an unusual thread concept for something to do with Kel and she came back with "Ponies! Everyone loves ponies!" (Except Kel.)

To get back to the first part of this post about me thinking, does anyone want to have some fun with unusual thread starts? Just random stuff to see how your character reacts to things they don't normally have to deal with?

I was thinking that we could use this post to 'challenge' (or help) other players come up with strange things for their characters to be doing or interacting with?

Like for example.... Rylee having to handle a baby in some way. The whole thread set up could be her bitching about how she got into the situation in the first place, or possibly her recanting her day of dealing with the pint sized tike? She could make the thread open or poke someone who deals with kids (Ty or Fenix I think would be appropriate in that situation? Just the first two that come to mind.) - Generally I'd expect the 'challenges' to be vaguely worded sentences or single words unless the player wants a more specific prompt.

So if anyone's up for being challenged, challenging each other or challenging me for some randomness I think it could be fun. :)

My challenges to others: )