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September 30th, 2011

[info]borninazoo in [info]rites_ooc

okay dudes

Kay, so I am in tentatively reemerging in the game. Things are more stable, and... I need to write, so badly. So. Yes. Writing.

I am going to try to pick up some of the dropped threads - such as Cam and Alec's training, because we got about two tags on that >_> and that's just unacceptable.

I apologize to all the new people that I completely missed. I suck.

I haven't dropped any characters, so they're all totally back up for grabs. I want Frank and Ava to have a discussion about life and heroing and really deep psychological shit, if that's alright?

Scott and Dust clearly need to do their flying and sparring, which will be backdated, to last weekend, I think?

Jake and Heather clearly need to have a thread devoted entirely to their epicitude. Jake just needs to thread with everyone. Rylee and Eva and the new Aurora league members - Buddy who talks fast, and Max who knows no telepathy boundaries. I would love to see a telepath dig into Jake's head because Jake head is so impossibly scrambled, it would be hilarious. Jake would totally not find that invasive at all, either. Personal space - even the space inside of your body - does not exist to him.

Those are just my very bare thoughts, so I apologize if I left promised threads out and please throw whatever ideas you have at me. I just need to write. So have at thee.