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[posted on March the 19th]


omg i'm so excited.

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[posted on March the 19th]

Hi everyone! I'm Bronte as most of you know and I'm going to try make this intro coherent despite being really tired and in a ton of pain. So hopefully it makes sense!

So this journal is Morag MacDougal who most of you know. She's a 7th year Ravenclaw and doesn't not like many people, really. And I don't really have anything else to say about her.

My other character is Saoirse Capper ([info]saoirsesaidso). She finished school last year I think but she was a Slytherin. Now she's a Death Eater and she works part time at Twilfit & Tatting’s and is dating Miles Bletchley.

That's all I think! <3

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Introducing! [posted on March the 19th]

Hey all! I'm Niyki! Most of you know me, but for those who don't: I'm tuning 21, I live in Australia, I attend uni and work as an events/courses manager so sometimes I get super busy organising RL things depending on the time of the year! I have a CDJ which lives at [info]corsair and YEAH.

Onto the more important stuff: I have with me four babies: LILY POTTER, MILES BLETCHLEY, STEPHEN CORNFOOT and MATILDA DUKELOW.

LILY! [info]evansalmighty Is presently dead and will be very, very confused and weirded out by the fact that she's alive -- cue internal freak outs and all. HOWEVER. She is also very, very, very keen to reconnect with her son! And is sad that she missed out on so much of his growing up, is weirded out by the fact that he's now 17 and is going to be all "... But when I last saw you, I had to change your NAPPIES!" Hopefully not out loud. She also misses her husband (so, hint hint, if you're interested in playing James -- PLEASE DO!)

MILES! [info]falconed is signed as a Reserve to the Falmouth Falcons presently, and a branded Death Eater. Yay for him! Not really. He's actually far more interested in playing Quidditch than carrying out anyone's dirty work -- so he will soon have to pay for that. Hah. Poor Miles. He's also friends with Brielle and dating Saoirse. He really doesn't know why he's dating S atm, aside from being told he should. He's grumpy, swears a LOT, and is on the bastardly side of the scale, though he's not as bad as he seems, to be honest.

STEPHEN! [info]hardlyasaint is a seventh year Ravenclaw. He's pretty nice, although he likes to talk A LOT. He's also v flirtatious, so beware of that. He will be most worried about his dad who will want to know if Stephen's Mum will also be returning. Stephen's not quite as optimistic.

MATTIE! [info]notyourdoormat is a recent Hogwarts graduate and new Unspeakable. She will be on scene when Sirius reapppears and will be assigned several "Undeads" as she calls them to watch over and keep a record of their progress. She lives with her BFF Timothy and is likely to join the Order if asked later on!

Friends, enemies, other plot, questions, comments, ETC?!

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[posted on March the 18th]

Lynden again with character number two!! :D

Brielle Dunstan, Slytherin alumni, she's 19 and works as a trainee healer at St. Mungos. Oh and she's also a newly recruited DE, yyyyay. Remember that guy, Yaxley? Yeah, that's her uncle and he seems pretty convinced that Brielle is basically his own child, even though she still has two perfectly healthy parents. He got her into the whole bad guy deal, and people apparently don't like that because they seem to be very suspicious of her, but there's no reason to. They only keep her around because she's good at fixing people :D She's feeling used :( She's a good listener, because she's always so quiet, but she's also good at telling people what to do in her own weird way. She's very small, so be sure to make fun of that. And her voice is like Jennifer Tilly's neheheh.

Anyways, that's about it so *shrug* if you want to read more, her bio is here and if you want to plot/chat/whatever, ping my on aim, pshlynden.

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[posted on March the 17th]

Howdy, Tide that has been Ripped! My name is Marie, and I bring to the game Harry Potter. You may have heard of him by now. At least I'd hope he's one of the characters that would stick around in your mind, yeah?

His profile is pretty in-depth, but if you're wondering, not much has changed from the canon. I tried to keep him pretty dead-on with the books, so if I messed anything up (such as movie verse and book canon), lemme know! I do that sometimes.

I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you! Add me on AIM! sunnywithatwist

Marie xxx

P.S. Harry wants to let Ron know that under NO circumstances is he to dream about Harry's mum. Off limits, Ronald.

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[posted on March the 15th]

Hello! I'm Natasha and I bring you Ron Weasley. He's just... Ron, you know? Anyway, his profile is here. I don't really know what else to say about him!

I look forward to playing with you all.

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[posted on March the 15th]

MEOW! Hey so... wait did I just meow? Yes I did. Right so I'm Lynden and I say bonjour to all of you. I have Ginny Weasley, who's always a ball of fun.

So we all know Ginny, don't we? Little sister of the Weasley clan, ex-gf of The Harry Potter and can throw some mean bat-bogey hexes. I'm running out of things to write because school has sucked the life out of me. So I will just say that Ginny wishes to plot and chat and backstory! Me on the other hand, I'm just going to go sleep for the new century.

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Introduction time! [posted on March the 13th]

Hello all!

I'm Shawn and I'm bringing ya'll Hestia Jones, hitwitch supreme (she is not afraid to go all Xena on you if necessary) and one formerly dead Cedric Diggory (he's a might confused.  and weirded out).  I hope to be active and creative and all that lovely stuff that comes with rp-ing.  Feel free to jump me for plotting or scenes whenever I'm on or leave me an email if I'm not.  I'm nearly always up for nearly anything.


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[posted on March the 13th]


Welcome to Riptides! We are FINALLY starting, a fact that I am ridiculously excited about, and I wanted to open up the OOC comm for everyone to do intros and get to know each other and plot and play and have tons of fun before we launch into the game events. I am Hannah and I will be your moderator, although I use that term rather loosely since I've stated in various places that this is going to be pretty chill.

BEFORE WE BEGIN: If you know anyone that likes playing Harry or James Potter, send them my way. That is all.

Make sure you check out the rules and the important things to know as a Riptides player. That second one is going to be added to whenever I think of things that are important, so check it every now and again.

Introduce yourselves, make friends and plots, make sure that you run the friends-all button and if you see anyone else you want on the cast list, well, you can have up to four, and your mod is an enabler, so....

I think that's all for now. I'm going to be posting more info-type posts and I'm also going to post my own intro post after all my characters are neatly done. I just didn't want to do it in the mod account.


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