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[posted on April the 12th]

I'm so sorry I've disappeared.

I'm graduating this semester, and I am taking four (that's right FOUR) writing classes, so you can imagine my insane workload that I didn't quite realize was going to be this hectic mainly because this semester has been so insane in general that I've mostly been taking things a week or so at a time. It's sapped my creativity almost completely (which is bad, because I have a story to write and a novella to revise for advanced fiction) and so I haven't really had anything to contribute.

That being SAID.

In the next week and a half my two giant projects for the semester will be TURNED IN. So I won't have those to worry about and will be feeling more creative and will probably be back around!!! YAY!!

See you all soon. I hope. I'll be doing my best to pop in here and there.

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[posted on April the 10th]

Hey, ya'll

Sorry for vanishing last week.  I'm an accountant and it's April.  Work tends to eat my brain.

That said, I'll be on most of the day tomorrow (Sunday) if anyone wants mine.  Just let me know.


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lesson plans. [posted on April the 2nd]

Not that Miles actually thinks overly long about his lesson plans, but this is what your kids will be experiencing in his Muggle Studies classes!

Read more... )

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[posted on March the 31st]

Sorry I've been MIA folks, I will be back after Thursday! I have a test and a crazy day at work and my weekend in itself was pretty mental too.

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[posted on March the 26th]

Oh, yeah, so...

[points] Charlie Weasley? See?

Carly, again, and this time with a ginger. He's good people. Isn't in Romania anymore, if you were wondering. Because of the war, he's returned home to Britain! Sugoi desu ne! He'll be at the Ministry, working with the control of magical creatures (methinks running amok to Hogwarts to 'check on things', right, so he'll be available to play with anyone).

Erm, hmm.


runswithwands on AIM!

ETA: Also, the username for Charlie, will make sense if you know his patronus is a goose... and that Anser anser anser is a species.

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[posted on March the 24th]

Hello!! Make sure to run the friends-add button for your journals-- I added Savage, Katie, and Rabastan. I also updated the FAQ post.

I'm so excited to see all the activity! I just wanted to say YAY, because we've had some terrific threads so far!

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[posted on March the 21st]


My name is Carly. I'm bringing two characters to Riptides!

Rabastan Lestrange [[info]taketheplace]: such a sweet bloke, this one—bi-polar, paranoid, aggressive, judgmental, and blames others and Azkaban for everything wrong in his life. He's unstable and impossible to talk to about anything, practically disinterested in everything unless it's business. (I bet that made everyone want to jump on playing with him, yeah?)

Joseph Savage [[info]protectandserve]: Aurors don't get sexier than this! Joseph was stationed at Hogwarts the previous year, so he'll likely remain heavily involved in the war (and because he's been doing this for a while). He's high-strung to a degree, very much believes in what he's doing, and hopefully I can pull him out of that 'broken hero' complex because that's not how I really intend to play him.

So, erm, in general my blokes are free, single, and ready to mingle!

Catch me on AIM: runswithwands


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[FINAL CHARACTER!] [posted on March the 21st]

Hello, Riptides! Marie here with my final character. Katie Bell. ^_^ I won't talk your ear off about her as her profile is pretty easy to read through. Basically she graduated last year and is now working as a care partner at St. Mungo's Hospital while finishing up her training to become a full-fledged Healer. She was invited to move in with Angelina Johnson & Alicia Spinnet shortly after her graduation, so that's exciting news. Also, Katie's little sister Iris Bell is currently a 6th year Hufflepuff if anyone is interested in taking her on (the PB is Sarah Jones, found at [info]peoplesquared).

I'd also like to add that I'm still desperately in need of a George Weasley. My Fred is eager to see his other half.

Alright, much love for you! <3 Let me know if you have any questions or wish to have some backstory.

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Ready and willing to scene [posted on March the 20th]

Hey, ya'll!

I'm home and coherent, thank goodness.  I should be around tonight and most of tomorrow (Sunday).  And I've got one Hestia Jones and one Cedric Diggory who'd love to scene a bit.  Drop a line here or grab me on aim at rpgladyv or y!m at ladysailorvulcan


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Introducing One Half of the Terrible Two! ^_~ [posted on March the 20th]

Howdy again, Riptides! Marie here again with my second character in the game. I'm sure you recognize him. FRED WEASLEY! Let me stress to you that he is in desperate need of his other half, so please keep a look out for George, would you?


I won't go into too much detail considering his profile is pretty self-explanatory. He's strictly canon, so you should have a pretty strong handle on his character by now, yeah? For recent news in his life: 1) his twin just had his ear hexed off in the Battle of the Seven Potters, 2) he's active in the Order, 3) WWW sells the journals your lovely kiddos are using, 4) expect some new merchandise to come out in relation some of this craziness with the arch splitting! =]

You know the drill!
AIM: sunnywithatwist
Add me! Plot with me!


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