Rippled Time OOC's Journal
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Monday, August 19th, 2013

    Time Event
    First of all, I want to apologize to everyone for disappearing for a week. I am finally getting over the cold that hit me pretty hard. It wouldn't have kept me from being online if being online didn't require getting dressed and leaving the apartment and after work I was pretty beat.

    Anyway, I was really hoping I could get through this move without doing this, but I am way too much of a procrastinator for my own good. I have two weeks to pack up my entire apartment and most of the time when I'm not working, packing, or sleeping is going to be occupied with looking for a job.

    I will still be online every now and then, and I will probably still be in the chat (and if you don't mind doing them over email when I'm not actually online, I'll be available for threads too).

    That being said, I know I am like 3 weeks behind on house points, and I apologize for that. I am going to have to put them on hold until I get settled back at home. I'm really sorry, but I just have waaaaay too much going on that needs to take priority when I am online.

    I love you all and cannot wait until I am back to write with you all full time.

    -Em (Nyx, Louis, Junius, Teddy, Tris)
    So, for the next half, Quidditch games will have "scouts" from various teams coming in. The student body as a whole is completely unaware of this fact (with the exception of HB/HG and whoever they elect to tell), but this is something you can all use. If one of your characters wishes to be spoken to by a scout after they have a particularly good game, let us know, and you can use this for journals/conversation topics after the fact. This should be restricted to seventh years and the two sixth year captains. There are six more games upcoming, and they are all documented on the calendar so you know when your team next plays and you can keep track of scores.

    Also, dates for apparition signups and lessons and end-of-year tests are now on the calendar too, along with a Valentine's Ball and Spring Recess. The same rules will apply for the spring recess as were in place for the Winter Holidays--if a past-gen finds someone to be responsible for them, they can leave the school. Enjoy the updates! If you have any questions, your modly team is always here to help!

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