Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

May 2nd, 2018

09:27 am - [info]blueeyedbaybay

dearest christopher lindsey RODDY!,

you sweet angel, boy.

your smile lights up bobby's jaded, old (old, old, old) heart.

it brings hope to kawaii kyle and his otherwise relentless venture to find love again.

please come join us at [info]indiepromotion so that i can continue putting all of my hopes, dreams and aspirations onto your shoulders like any proud tiger mom would do.

with warmth and open arms,
adam cole bay bay!

if you need icons or invite codes, i have those in spades.

ps, we will work on your blank eye stare and constipated look. anything is possible when the four of us are together. xo

pps, otherwise i'm taking the title and the armband back, and you have to deal with pete dunne by yourself, son.

11:34 am - [info]marpam

[info]indiepromotion I know it's a long shot but Aaron Solow would be epic. All others can follow too.

01:32 pm - [info]briegeecole

Potential step dads for bird bird at indiepromotion
Since it won’t let me tag
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