Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

April 5th, 2012

12:04 am - [info]hoeski

can i get a randy orton to take part in a dramatic slash psl? comments are screened and pm for details.

02:11 am - [info]jsonrso

I have Jay Reso housed at [info]shootspot, He is getting a little lonely and can use some company. It can be someone in the group or someone completely new. I know now its going to be rare to find one now days but, he would also like to see his bro-mance partner Adam Copeland around if possible.

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01:10 pm - [info]throwbackcena

Looks like his home fell under.

Home or Psls?

04:50 pm - [info]miamenounos

I know her involvement in WWE stuff doesn't really result in a spot in WWE rp games, so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in a thread based psl?

04:50 pm - [info]mattjk

looking to get a psl for this guy since he's on the shelf indefinitely. might be gimpy, but he's still a great cook. any takers?

09:09 pm - [info]minap

psls please?
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