Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

September 27th, 2011

12:24 am - [info]chsjericho

Before I go through the motions of setting him up. I kind of want to know if he is wanted anywhere.

04:50 am - [info]jeremyericyoung

[info]jeremyericyoung to your community.

06:42 am - [info]alteredbeast

I was thinking about taking a Sheamus or Alberto Del Rio to [info]heelturn. Would anyone be interested in playing a Stephanie to go with for a storyline?

01:43 pm - [info]ekoski

[info]heelturn does anyone out there still play Serena, Kaitlyn, or AJ? I've actually got an idea for a line that I'd love to go over with someone.

02:46 pm - [info]neidhartkn

[info]heelturn beth phoenix, please!

09:25 pm - [info]cenaafjohn

It's a longshot, I fully acknowledge that now but are there any communities out there where this guy would be welcome? Celeb, wrestling, wherever. Games with elitist assholes need not apply

11:43 pm - [info]billionheiress - Two loudmouths seeking a home

It's a hell of a long shot but we might as well ask: My fantastic PSL partner and I are househunting. As you might be able to tell, one half of this pair is Stephanie McMahon. The other is CM Punk (that's where the hard part comes in).

Any takers?
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