Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

June 12th, 2011

05:25 am - [info]cgrunnels

considering as i am a dumbass and allowed myself to be removed from [info]priceline for a hot second, can i get some new friends to come back with me? ted dibiase? john cena? drew galloway?? jay reso??? anyone?? bueller...bueller??? both [info]adamland and i would love to have you around, but only if you like to play games, have intellectual conversations, can count to three ( i am being generous tonight... ) and update about things other than work.

10:11 am - [info]pmlev

Here is the deal [info]serendipityx just opened up and they are looking to get a few good people here.

My Paul is looking for a storyline... With maybe the traditional Stephanie McMahon, or Shelly Martinez, or Christy Hemme.

Anyone else is welcome too.

10:40 am - [info]levesqe

Looking for a home for Paul. Any help?

05:30 pm - [info]bmsngarcia

home for brianna AND nicole?
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